
MobiOne vs JqueryMobile

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  • #315183 Reply



    I was able to evaluate MobiOne and the Alpha release of JqueryMobile. Will the next release of MobiOne offer anything different compared to designing apps with JqueryMobile?

    As a developer I found adding dynamic content a little difficult with MobiOne but with JqueryMobile I was able to add dynamic content and JqueryMobile keeps the design style consistent. With MobiOne, I could not just add a <div> without breaking the layout of the page.

    Basically I am trying to see if the next version will work with already design pages instead of redesigning the page in MobiOne.


    #315216 Reply


    When we started MobiOne jquery-mobile was only being talked about. More recently it is becoming a much more viable mobile web framework. Our plan is to revisit the code-gen model for use with other frameworks after the 1.5 release early this summer if not sooner. I will post back here if there is an update on timeframes.

    Genuitec Mobile Team

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