
MobiOne 2.6.2 – Tools > Send URL to Phone : CLOSED

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  • #350006 Reply



    I have tried sending my app to my Phone, in order to test it on my device. By following the instructions on internet, I copied the URL from the ‘MobiOne Device Web Simulator’ and paste it in the URL box (Tools > Send URL to Phone). However, there is a note on the top saying: “Please enter a valid URL”. I have tried sending the app to my phone anyway, however it seems that the URL is not valid, since when I open the link on my device, nothing happens.

    Can you please advise/investigate? Any suggestion? I have also attached a screenshot to show the problem.


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    #350009 Reply

    Hi JacopoT,

    You are trying to send an url that only can be seen in your computer as it is running in web sim local server. What you need to do is use the option: Publish target design as web mobile application and you’ll get the notification of your app uploaded temporarily to our app center.

    #350010 Reply


    Try publishing your app as web app before sending the url to the phone. See image below.

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    #350014 Reply


    Thank you for your prompt response. It is now working.

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Reply To: MobiOne 2.6.2 – Tools > Send URL to Phone : CLOSED

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