
menus with Duplicate entries

  1. MyEclipse IDE
  2.  > 
  3. Java EE Development (EJB, JSP, Struts, XDoclet, etc.)
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  • #282661 Reply


    In a jsf enabled project
    right click the jsp page ->openwith-> MyEclipse Visual JSF Designer appears Twice!

    the tutorial shows that the second entry should be
    MyEclipse JSF/Facelets Designer(this entry doesn’t Exist.

    Also, search for new features to install
    MyEclipse Discovery Site appears twice , albeit unchecked

    is all the run-time code read two , three times as well?

    #282711 Reply

    Loyal Water

    right click the jsp page ->openwith-> MyEclipse Visual JSF Designer appears Twice!

    The older version of the editor was left there as a backup to fallback on when the newer version was added since it was still under testing This would mostly be removed in the 7.0 release.

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