
Maven setup – resources not deployed to WAS6.1 server

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  • #320654 Reply



    I have an issue with my maven project in MyEclipse. I have deployed the application as an exploded war but the src/resources files are not being copied over.

    How do I configure the plugin to do this?


    #320666 Reply


    Paul ,

    Sorry that you are seeing this issue with MyEclipse.

    Can you answer some more questions for us ?

    1) Share your Build ID from Help > About MyEclipse Enterprise Edition > Build ID. Also share your OS and version details.

    2) Is the maven project created in MyEclipse or imported from elsewhere ? If its created in MyEclipse please give us detail steps on how you created the project.

    3) Edit your .classpath and ensure there are no exclude attributes. For what ever reason, the maven plugin sometimes puts exclude filters for the non-java classpath entry elements. You can also do it from project’s build path, go to the project’s java build path, from “/src/main/resources/” and click on “Excluded: **”, then press the “remove” button.

    Let us know how it works for you.

    #320746 Reply



    Thanks for the reply swapna

    1. my build id is 8.6.1-Blue-20101117
    2. The project was imported as an eclipse project. I have added a src/resources source folder to the project that contains my properties files.
    3. in my project properties->Java Build Path – Source tab, I have added an exclusion for my src/resources folder. Under this I have added the src/resources as a separate source folder.

    I have removed the exclusion as you suggested and all properties files are being copied to my classes folder. So that is working now.

    I’m using profiles in my maven build but the automatic build in MyEclipse does not seemt to run this correctly as the profile environment variables I set are not picked up.

    I have set the Active Maven profile to be the correct profile in my project->properties->MyEclipse->Maven4MyEclipse.

    Is there a way to have MyEclipse automatic build run the maven build and deploy that to the WAS6.1 server within MyEclipse?


    #320772 Reply



    I’m afraid you will have to run explicit maven goals yourself, using the Run As context menu item, to do the type of build/deploy processing you want. You can add entries to that menu by creating new run configurations of type Maven Build.

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