- This topic has 183 replies, 92 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 8 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Andrew FreemanMemberAre there any plans to integrate Maven once it is released?
Scott AndersonParticipantNot at present, but the user community here has a big say in where we go next. If there’s a big outcry for Maven, above some other features, we’ll move that way. 🙂
MyEclipse Support
Stephen EatonMemberI would like to see maven integration, especially libraries from the maven repository to be included within the project and these libraries then having the option to be deployed with the webapp under the lib.
Riyad KallaMemberCan you guys provide some details as to what this integration would function like? Do you want wizards to create certain things, do you want monitoring tools, launchers, etc.?
Ronald van KuijkMember@madeinoz wrote:
I would like to see maven integration, especially libraries from the maven repository to be included within the project and these libraries then having the option to be deployed with the webapp under the lib.
This could be achieved in two ways. A maven plugin that generates the necessary ME config stuff. Or, the other way around, ME reading a maven file and doing the work.
If two-way functionality is not needed (e.g. changes to a needed library in ME should lead to changes in the maven file, I’d go for the maven plugin functionality.
The thing is (I think) that it is not only ME, but eclipse itself that should be ‘maven-aware’
Stephen EatonMemberThis could be achieved in two ways. A maven plugin that generates the necessary ME config stuff. Or, the other way around, ME reading a maven file and doing the work.
If two-way functionality is not needed (e.g. changes to a needed library in ME should lead to changes in the maven file, I’d go for the maven plugin functionality.
An already configured maven project has all the paths for the library and wether or not they are to be bundled in the WAR. It would be great to do the thing in reverse as well, i.e. create a maven project from the existing eclipse project, or add a new library to eclipse and it updates the maven project file.
When I do my development all my libraries reside in the maven repository, that way I do not have a heap of different jar files floating around in my different project directories. Then all I have to do is create the war and hey presto all the required libs are in their correct place and in the WAR file.
As a new eclipse and ME user this is one of the areas that I find lacking and frustrating is having to now copy all my libraries under a webapp directory for my project.
The thing is (I think) that it is not only ME, but eclipse itself that should be ‘maven-aware’
I agree
frank3wangMemberMaven is required in a major global Investment Bank. asap
jccartwrightMemberHello All,
I too would *really* like to see better maven integration. For me this would mean constructing a new eclipse project from an existing maven project, the ability to edit maven config files from w/in ME, and (of course) to execute maven goals from ME.
It seems to me that the mevenide for netbeans currently works better than mevenide for eclipse – a situation that perhaps ME could remedy?
— john
paulspencerMemberI would also like to see ME work with Maven. I have many Maven project. In addition to developer building the projects, I use CruiseControl to rebuild updated projets nightly. Maven currently has an Eclipse plugin that works well, but ME does not reconize a project the project type, i.e. WEB or EJB. An integration solution that consists of a plugin the write the necessary configuration files would be acceptable.
Paul Spencer
samersonMemberI would also like to see Maven integrated!
Scott Amerson
IET Middleware, Davis, CA
nsowatskMemberUs too. We are using Maven 2.0. I would like to see the MyEclipse J2EE and EJB API files reflected in the pom.xml dependencies.
What I could do is create a link from MyEclipse/eclipse/plugins/com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_4.0.0/data/libraryset/1.4 to somewhere in .m2/repository and create some dependency entries to make it work, but that would be tedious and I would have to maintain it by hand.
Ideally, when I create an EJB project, I would like to have the appropriate dependencies added to an existing pom.xml, or have a pom.xml created for me which I could later edit. Then when I run the mvn eclipse:eclipse project everything will stay in sync.
schuerMemberYes, You really have to make maven use possible like WTP does!!!!
Lots of people are waiting for that
wufpack00MemberFeatures could include POM editor, POM validation, Maven repository browser and the ability to run Maven goals in a view similar to the Ant view.
spogiriMemberMaven is awesome. It increases productivity.
Knut Erik BallestadMember -