
Many Bugs on IDE

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  • #322967 Reply


    There are many bugs on
    MyEclipse for Spring IDE ,
    I’ve opened new operation on my project , now when i right click on services ,
    i just right clicked on my service method and chosen “open java implementation”
    and i got error :

    #322978 Reply


    I’m sorry you are encountering these issues.

    Can you please verify that the code does exist? If there was an error during code generation, it’s possible that the code did not get generated. According to your screenshot It should be located at IRCIMService/com/ircim/IRCIMService.java

    Also, I noticed that the path is not the standard maven path. Typically the code would be under src/main/java/com/ircim/IRCIMService.java but in your project, the java package is right off of the root of the project. There may be a problem with the maven archetype selected on the project. How did you configure your maven support?

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