
listItem- Go to screen action – CLOSED

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  • #328109 Reply


    I have created a rounded list item and added the action of “Go to Screen”. I have created the new screen.mobi file. I have updated the html file of the new screen.mobi file to show. When i run the home.mobi file in the test center and click on the listitem and go to the new screen.mobi is does not show the edits i made in the html file. How can i get the html edits to show. I am new to mobione. Thanks.

    #328114 Reply

    Hi nvg918,

    You’re getting this undesired results because when you generate files for a design, mobione generates only a .html file with the content of all the main and linked screens. So, you should edit the home.html the code from your new screen.mobi will be in the div named with the same .mobi file. Let me know if this info is helpful for you.

    #337554 Reply


    yes that did the trick thank you.

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