– System Setup ——————————-
Operating System and version: XP Professional
Eclipse version: 3.0.1
Eclipse build id: 200409161125
Fresh Eclipse install (y/n): Y
If not, was it upgraded to its current version using the update manager?
Other installed external plugins: Systinet
Number of plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory that begin with org.eclipse.pde.*: 8
MyEclipse version: 3.8.1
Eclipse JDK version: 1.4.2_06
Application Server JDK version: 1.3.1_06 (Weblogic 7)
Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file? No
– Message Body ——————————-
My current project requires a large server classpath in the server startup properties (old application…not my fault! 🙄 ). I added all the required JAR files in the “Prepend to Classpath” textbox under Weblogic 7’s Paths configuration and clicked save. Now when I return to the Paths dialog, the list of JARs consumes the entire dialog, hiding the settings for “Append to Classpath”, “Append to Library Path”, etc.