- This topic has 24 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 3 months ago by
Brian Fernandes.
[email protected]ParticipantEver since I Upgraded from MyEclipse 10 to MyEclipse 11, it appears
the maven plugin is no longer generating everything needed by MyEclipse 11 when we import the maven projects.I did alot of googling and searching for hours and hours and I am either blind or not searching properly for the answer. I could use some help/hints.
I assume I might have to alter the pom file in some way to generate the neccesary facets/natures/files for MyEclipse 11 to get what it expects so we can stop getting the Project Migration wizard popping up on import, etc..
Anyone help or point me in the right direction to correct this?
Thanks very much in advance.
The ‘Project Migration’ is for projects which are created in older versions of MyEclipse and are being imported to the newer versions to take advantage of the newer features and ensure that it runs fine on the newer version.
The ‘Project Migration’ wizard will only list the projects which require migration. For your project, there might be some configuration files which require an update or an update to the project’s metadata and they cannot be updated using Maven.
If possible please send us all the .* files (.class,.project,.settings etc) and the pom.xml of the project to help us check which operations are scheduled for your project migration.
[email protected]ParticipantCurrently, with MyEclipse 10 and the maven eclipse plugin we currently use, we don’t manage any project specific, classpath or settings files needed by MyEclipse. the Maven MyEclipse plugin appears to generate all those things for us. They don’t even get checked into our subversion repository as far as i know. We have it on svn ignore.
Are you saying that we can no longer rely on the maven myeclipse pluging to continue to generate/manage the myeclipse settings/classpath/project files for MyEclipse 11(2013)? I thought the maven myeclipse plugin allows for additional configuration parameters in the pom to tell it what to generate to keep eclipse happy?
Our maven directory structure is a little complicated and we have 1000’s of files belong to 15-20 eclipse projects. This is an J2EE(EAR) application.
We have a root directory POM file and then several sub-directories each with their own pom file. One sub-directory represents the EAR project, the other sub directories comprise of Utility Modules, Web modules(WAR), WebService modules, etc. Each of these sub-directores, including the parent directory that has pom files are materialized into myeclipse projects(usually one eclipse project materializes per pom file) with the correct dependencies once imported via import existing maven, etc..
It’s going to be a bit difficult to just give you all the code, all the pom files. Is there any other way I can give you information that might be helpful to resolve this? I think I can probably give you the parent pom plus one sub-directory pom that would exhibit this migration challenge.
Also, do you want me to give you what is generated by MyEclipse 10 or what is generated by Maven within MyEclipse 11 before the project is migrated or after the project is migrated? Again, I have no checked in project/classpath/setting files in subversion to give you so I have to run both versions of MyEclipse and give you the generated files after import.
I could give you a sample of the pom files with the plugins being used/specified within the pom file but I am also wondering about the plugings used within MyEclipse 11 itself. Maybe I have the wrong version of maven being used within MyEclipse 11?
Sorry, just trying to cover all the bases so I can get you what you want cutting out AS much noise as possible and still exhibiting the behavior we are having. To do this, if you could specify minimially what you need. You might see something right away.
[email protected]ParticipantI may have been confused on what you need. You asked for a POM file which I can send you a minimized parent pom and a sub-directory pom file for a small project with source we use for MyEclipse 10.
My confusion is:
1) Did you want the original POM files plus the .project, .classpath files generated by MyEclipse 10?
2) Did you want the original POM files plus the proect/classpath and settings files generated by MyEclipse 11 after the migration or before the migration??!?!?Anyway, not sure what the heck to give you and we need this resolved.
If this boils down to having to check in myeclipse files into subversion, that is fine too. We just don’t currently do that with MyEclipse 10 right now.
Please send us the original POM files plus the .project,.settings, .classpath files generated by MyEclipse 10.
[email protected]ParticipantThe attached zip contains a root pom file and one sub-directory pom file with source. Included in the zip is the generated .classpath and .project plus whatever files are in .settings directories.
I assume you would be letting me know what is missing in the pom file that would get maven to generate whatever MyEclipse 11 needs to be compliant OR if there are additional files I have to check into our repository so MyEclipse 11 consideres the project already migrated.
You must be logged in to view attached files.
Thanks for the project files. We can replicate the problem.
If the maven project is imported, MyEclipse sees that it needs to “migrate” the project – which is really a misnomer, in this case – to turn it into a proper MyEclipse project with the necessary facets. In this case, one of the facets is Spring but the Migration wizard can’t detect the version. If you look at the error message on the second page of the wizard (after hitting Next), if refers you to the FAQ, in the product help. Here is the link to our on-line migration FAQ. In the FAQ, you see the message, with the solution.
The solution is to add a .springBeans file to the root of your project, which specifies the Spring version number. If this is added to the maven project, it will still need the project migration wizard but the wizard will run to completion with just a couple of clicks.
Is this a reasonable workaround for you? If not we’ll see if we can improve the process.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
[email protected]ParticipantThank you. I will try the solution you mentioned.
As far as whether this will work or not as a go forward, my only concern is that if we invoke an mvn clean from command line or a project clean all or anything along those lines that would might delete the maven generated files/directories, could that possibly delete or undo whatever was created from the initial migration?
I think I noticed this once but I cannot remember how to replicate where, at a later time, it would tell us the project needs migrated again.
My biggest concern is that I read somewhere that if those migrated files are not there, it may impact what happens in MyEclipse 11 in a negative way(performance or something else functional, etc..). Is that true?
A project clean will only clear the output folders, so any settings files will not be touched. As for performance, I’m not sure why the settings files (if that’s what you’re referring to) would not be there, once migration has been done. If you have problems, please let us know so we can investigate.
[email protected]ParticipantWhat about maven? Any chance maven would re-generate .classpath or .project or and settings files that would result in losing the migration changes?
Maven would only generate such files if there was a plug-in goal that did so. The only maven plug-in that I can think of which does that is the eclipse plug-in, which some people use to generate eclipse projects from maven projects, though MyEclipse does that for you. So as you don’t use that in your maven projects, you should be safe.
[email protected]ParticipantOkay. Thanks.
One last question regarding this issue.
You mentioned adding the “.springBeans file to the root of your project”.
Given our project structure(root pom file/directory containing sub directories with pom files all of which create eclipse projects), would having just one .springBeans file in the root pom work or do I need one for each sub-directory pom file?
The spring dependency i think is in the root pom file but given I see migration for all our prjoects, I am assuming i might need it in each sub-directory.
You’ll need it for each maven project that you import into MyEclipse as the import itself is on a project-by-project basis.
Please let us know how you get on.
[email protected]Participantokay. thanks
Knut MeyerMemberHallo,
i have a question in same subject like ken.
We don’t want to create .springBeans files and we don’t want to add spring facet to project. I do not understand why myeclipse 2014 want to add this facet. This maven projects don’t use Spring directly, just have framework dependencies which take use of spring.
I tried to add .springBeans for project migration successfully. Following this, i can’t remove spring facet anymore. This approach would be also a creepy alternative, because each developer has to do this every time setting up a workspace.
So far, so good. How can i explain myeclipse 2014 to not add spring facet?
I think it’s neccessary to get the project migration of our projects clean. Otherwise i am concerned about migration in future.Thanks!
Best regards
Knut -