- This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 4 months ago by
I just updated from MyEclipse 10.7 to MyEclipse 13. While I’m experiencing several issues, my biggest headache at the moment is that, regardless of which JSP editor I use, errors in my java code are not identified in the JSP.
I’ve read several threads on this. I’ve checked my preferences. Everything appears correct. I’m hoping not to have to create a new workspace.
I’m not sure what’s wrong, but this makes development very difficult.
Sorry that you are seeing this issue.
We could not replicate the issue at our end. Can you please answer some more queries to help us investigate further :
1) Can you please share your MyEclipse installation details from MyEclipse > Installation summary > Installation details ?
2) Can you please attach a sample JSP page which exhibits this issue to help us replicate the issue at our end ?
3) Are you working on a newly created project or did you import your existing project to MyEclipse 2013 ?
4) Please attach your workspace preferences to help us investigate further. You can export your preferences by going to File > Export > General > Preferences > Browse the ‘To preference file’ and click Finish.
5) Open the .log file located at <%workspace dir%>/.metadata/.log and check if you see any error related to this. If so, attach the .log file here.1) I’ve attached the installation details
2) Sample JSP (below, in this message). Nothing validates on any JSP page.
3) I imported my project.
4) I’ve attached the Preferences.
5) I didn’t find anything in the log file referring to this. I started with a fresh log file, started a session, tried editing, and closed the session. I’ve attached that log file.Thanks!
boolean invalid = totally;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
This really doesn’t matter.
You must be logged in to view attached files.
Thanks for the details provided.
We could not replicate the issue at our end with the JSP code you provided. We also tried replicating the issue with your preferences file but could not replicate it.
Can you please switch to a new workspace and create a new web project and then try to replicate the issue with a new Web project ? If you replicate the issue with the new web project, then please send us that whole project to help us replicate the issue at our end.
If you can’t replicate the problem with the new web project in the new workspace, then try importing projects from the old workspace to see if the problem occurs in the new workspace. If you can replicate the issue after importing the project to new workspace, if possible please attach the whole project to help us investigate further.
I was able to add a new web project to the existing workspace and get it to work properly for that project.
I was able to create a new workspace, a new project and get it to work properly for that project.
In both cases, I couldn’t get it to work properly for my existing projects. I have set the builders to be the same for both projects.
Unfortunately, I cannot send you those projects. I am able to do a GoToMeeting (or some other kind of remote support) if you would like to see for yourself or troubleshoot. If so, please contact me via email. Otherwise, suggestions on how to get JSP validation to work on my existing projects?
Also, CVS won’t clear the flags that indicate a file has been modified (even though the files haven’t been). Therefore, what used to take me a couple of minutes to synchronize, now takes me about half an hour every time, even though only a couple of changes are actually identified by the time cvs finishes reviewing everything. This never happened under 10.7 (and prior).
> Can you please open a new workspace, create a new web project, copy all the files from your old project in to the new web project and check if you can see the issue ?
> Inorder to help us replicate the issue at our end, can you please attach the .project file and all the files in the .settings folder of project in which you are seeing the issue – you can also mail them to [email protected] ATTN Pradeep with a link to this thread.
> Can you please let us know if any one of your colleagues is seeing the same problem with the project using MyEclipse ?
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
I emailed the files in question. So far, I’m the only one brave enough to have upgraded. Others are waiting until I overcome the issues. Thanks!
Thanks for attaching the files. We couldn’t replicate the issue at our end with those files.
> Can you please open a new workspace /existing workspace, create a new web project, copy all the files from your old project in to the new web project and check if you can see the issue ?
1) Can you please let us know if you have tried recreating the project as suggested in my previous reply? If yes, how did it work?
2) Can you please take a back up of your workspace and then ask your colleagues to copy the workspace to their location and try opening the workspace in MyEclipse 2013 SR2 ? Doing this will help us know whether the issue is replicated only for you or for the whole team.
3) Just to clarify, Is ‘Exclude from validation’ (under JSP file context menu > MyEclipse) enabled for the JSP files ? If yes, please unselect/uncheck it and check if the validation works.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Hi Pradeep,
1) I have not had a chance to recreate the project. It is quite large and I’m under some deadlines for other tasks.
2) I will have to wait on somebody else to download 2013 SR2 as I have done. See #1 above.
3) Exclude from Validation was unchecked. Just for fun, I checked it, let the project revalidate, then unchecked it and let the project revalidate. Oddly enough, it highlighted 78 Java errors in my JSP’s. This made me think validation may now be working. As I went into each identified JSP and saw the highlighted lines weren’t errors, I simply revalidated each file individually, at which point no errors were found. So, in short, the exact same code was identified as invalid at first, then valid later on, without any changes to the code. Finally, I tried invalid Java code again, but MyEclipse failed to identify it as invalid, so validation still doesn’t work.
At this point, until I have time to copy my project and/or have somebody else try, I’m going to have to live without being able to validate my JSPs…and the CSV problem persists.
Thanks for your patience.
I’m afraid there is something wrong in your project settings. We couldn’t replicate the CVS issue at our end too.
Can you please share more information about how your projects are stored in CVS ? Are you just storing the source files or storing the whole eclipse project or storing the source and some of the project .metadata files ? Sharing this information might help us replicate the issue at our end.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Pradeep, I appreciate your help. We store pretty much the entire project, including the project meta data. With that said, I haven’t yet committed all the metadata changes I’ve made since upgrading. I wanted to wait until others have updated to 13. I have committed all my source, multiple times. Most entries on my project are still decorated with a ‘>’, even after committing. As such, when I go to synchronize, CVS checks each of those files before determining they haven’t changed. The only ones that actually get the ‘>’ removed are ones that I actually commit (or update).
We could not replicate the CVS issue at our end. As mentioned in my earlier reply, please ask any one of your colleagues to upgrade to MyEclipse 2013 SR2 and try to replicate both the issues in his machine.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Just to add to Pradeep’s replies, there does seem to be something peculiar to your setup or workspace that is causing the problems.
I realize that it can seem daunting to update to a new release of a product but, in this case, your colleagues don’t need to be brave to do so 🙂 The latest release can be installed alongside release 10.7.1, in order to try it out. Also, if corruption of a workspace is the worry, it can be backed up first, so that it may be restored if something goes wrong.
Additionally, if you normally store the complete project on CVS, then you can check out a project that is showing the problem, using a different project name (Check Out As… from the CVS Repository Explorer or use File->Import, specifiying a different project name, for the same CVS module). Hopefully, this will be a quick way to check if there is something in your project or in your workspace, which is causing the problem. If it does show the same problems, then it would be worth trying the checkout in another workspace (even if the project has dependencies on other projects, at least you should be able to test if the issue you’ve been seeing are still occurring).
In any case, please let us know when you have more information.