
JSP Editor – Unknown Tag

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  • #244892 Reply


    I’m getting unknown tag annotations for my JSTL and JSF tags.

    taglib declarations:

    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>

    deployment descriptor:

    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
        "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"

    I downloaded the .jar files independently; I did not rely on the MyEclipse wizard. I originally included the .jar files in a user library, then moved them to stand alone – no difference. I’m sure I’m using the right .jars.

    What operating system and version are you running? WinXP SP2
    What Eclipse version and build id are you using? (Help > About Eclipse Platform) Version: 3.1.0 Build id: I20050627-1435
    Was Eclipse freshly installed for MyEclipse? Yes
    If not, was it upgraded to its current version using the update manager?
    Are any other external plugins installed? XmlBuddy
    How many plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory are like org.eclipse.pde.* 8
    What MyEclipse version are you using? (Help > About Eclipse Platform > Features) 4.0.100
    What JDK version are you using to run Eclipse? (java -version) 1.4.2_10
    What JDK version are you using to launch your application server? 1.4.2_10
    What steps did you take that resulted in the issue?
    What application server are you using? Tomcat 4
    Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file? (<workspace>/.metadata/.log)

    #244912 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    YellowDog, when you put those JARs into your WEB-INF/lib directory, remove the library and then just mount them from the WEB-INF/lib dir, then close all your editors and rebuild the project, and reopen the file, do the tags resolve correctly?

    There is an issue with how Eclipse treates JAR files depending on where they come from (External, Workspace, User Library, Classpath Container) and our taglib parser requires that the JARs be considered a IResource in the workbench and if it’s not, then the taglibs aren’t parsed out. I wonder if that is what might be going on here.

    #245052 Reply


    I put myfaces-all.jar, jstl.jar and standard.jar on the build path (Libraries tab, Java Build Path dialog). They are standalone – not part of a user library. I’m still getting unknown tag annotations and of course, no code completion. This even after starting all over – new workspace, new project, cut & paste files, etc. Are there any other settings that I may have overlooked?

    #245054 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Yellow my suggestion was to place them in your WEB-INF/lib directory, I wasn’t clear from what you typed if this is what you did?

    #245057 Reply


    Yes I did that too. It didn’t help. There is now a red X on the WEB-INF folder icon though.

    #245061 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Yes I did that too. It didn’t help. There is now a red X on the WEB-INF folder icon though.

    Can you send me the project, we’ll troubleshoot this the fast-track route. Email it to [email protected] ATTN Riyad with a link to this thread so I know why I’m getting it.

    #246993 Reply

    Sergey Malov

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    There is an issue with how Eclipse treates JAR files depending on where they come from (External, Workspace, User Library, Classpath Container) and our taglib parser requires that the JARs be considered a IResource in the workbench and if it’s not, then the taglibs aren’t parsed out. I wonder if that is what might be going on here.

    Would it be possible to change it and include parsing of User Libraries as well? I was resolving dependencies using Maven-eclipse plugin, which creates it own library, and now I have “unknown tags” all over the place in my jsp pages.


    #246994 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We are looking at resolving this issue, but in the mean time there is no workaround. Sorry.

    #247694 Reply

    Sergey Malov

    Is it fixed in 4.1.1? Couldn’t find in a list.


    #247696 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No it wasn’t fixed in 4.1.1, it’s actually quite a big change so not something we would put into a point release unfortunately. We hope to restructure work in the 5.x release cycle to fix this.

    #248699 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    when you put those JARs into your WEB-INF/lib directory, remove the library and then just mount them from the WEB-INF/lib dir, then close all your editors and rebuild the project, and reopen the file, do the tags resolve correctly?

    I’ve apparently had the same problem as YellowDog and rkalla’s answer helped in my case. The question is: Why the jsf/jstl libs must be there and not simply somewhere in the classpath? I have some 10 jsf projects and want to share the libs amongst the projects, but now I have to have the libs 10x in my workspace.

    Ok, I will not touch the things that work 😉 Thank for help!


    #248710 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The question is: Why the jsf/jstl libs must be there and not simply somewhere in the classpath?

    Well you are right, they should be able to be anywhere, but the parsing code we use to handle the taglibs is based on the Eclipse platform treating the resource like an IResource, and aparently if it’s an external JAR or a JAR from a Library (user or system) it is not treated like an IResource so our parsing code doesn’t see the taglibs. I will try and bump the priority on this bug as it really is an eyesoar.

    #253211 Reply


    Has this been resolved?

    #253216 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    According to our issue tracker yes it was fixed in 5.0Milestone 1.

    #253217 Reply


    Thanks for the quick response.

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