
JSP Debugging – Source not found

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  • #221410 Reply

    I’m using WebLogic 7.
    I’m setting breakpoint in JSP editor and application stops at breakpoint.
    But eclipse would not let me step through JSP, it displays “Source not found – Edit Source lookup Path”.

    How to fix this issue?

    #221429 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    For WL 7 be sure to check this FAQ entry (Need 1.4+ JDK):

    And this one (Need to turn on JSP Debug Compile in WL):

    #221473 Reply

    Yes, I’m running JDK 1.4.2.
    And yes, I turned debug on same way as it described in FAQ.

    As I said before breakpoint works, Weblogic pauses.
    But when I’m tryint to step through the code, literally ‘F6’, eclipse is trying to find source code (*.java) for the generated JSP instead of stepping through JSP itself (*.jsp).

    It looks to me that something is wrong on IDE side.

    #221477 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you set everything up correctly, please shut down WL, remove your deployment, rebuild your project, re deploy it and restart the server. That usually fixes broken source lookup.

    #264758 Reply

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    If you set everything up correctly, please shut down WL, remove your deployment, rebuild your project, re deploy it and restart the server. That usually fixes broken source lookup.

    I have the same problem with WL 8.4

    I don’t start WL from Eclispe but directly using startWebLogic.cmd in the domain directory

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