- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 2 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
patrickwMemberi have got problems to get completion work with EL.
the code is alright, because it works just fine in intellij idea.
our development department is thinking about to switch to myeclipse but only if it does support EL code completion.anybody experiencing the same problem? JSP 2.0 should be better supported.
anotherthing what realy is anying is the fact that MyEclipse shows an warning when you use <jsp:bean .. e.g. (class is abbreviated)<jsp:useBean id="copyOrder" class="com.zooplus....." scope="request"> <jsp:setProperty name="copyOrder" property="customerId" value="${param.id}"/> <jsp:setProperty name="copyOrder" property="orderId" value="${param.o_id}"/> <jsp:setProperty name="copyOrder" property="userId" value="${sessionScope.userid}"/> </jsp:useBean>
saying that “copyOrder” is never read localy eventhough it’s used e.g.
<c:if test="${copyOrder.directDeliveryOrderId != '0'}"> <a href="${applicationScope.aspPath}/secure/admin/r_bestellungen.asp?f=r&i=${copyOrder.directDeliveryOrderId}">${copyOrder.directDeliveryOrderId}</a> </c:if>
if MyEclipse doesn’t support that we probably stick with intellij idea
Riyad KallaMemberPatrick,
ME doesn’t support EL autocomplete yet but it is on our TODO list for the 5.x release series. Sorry for the inconvenience.
patrickwMemberthank you for your quick and honest response.
but i’m realy confused and disappointed because on the feature list
it’s says it support JSP 2.0 EL. ❓in my opinion it’s quite unfair to mention features which will only be supported in the next major release.
so our department will have to search for a tool which supports this stuff right away.kind regards
Riyad KallaMemberPatrick,
EL “support” may bit a bit broad of a paintbrush to use, but there are different levels of support. In our earlier editors they had no idea what EL was and simply marked it as errors. We then modified the partitions and painters to correctly identify and render the EL blocks, but have not implemented the autocomplet portion yet. So the ‘support’ is there, just not ‘autocomplete support’ yet. -