- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 3 months ago by
jfidelMemberi’m using myeclipse to debug my swing application. the application runs fine outside myeclipse. when i want to run my appication inside myeclipse i’m getting an error about incompatible versions. i realize myeclipse 9 and 10 uses jniwrap 3.8.2 and my applciation uses 3.8.3. how can i fix that? as work around i downgrade my jniwrap version.
How can i tell myeclipse to use my latest version? or how can i tell myeclipse to tell my acpplication to use his own version? i want to avoid any conflics. i laready try to overrride the jniwrap.dll and jar files from C:\Users\fgonzalez\AppData\Local\MyEclipse\MyEclipse 9\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\* but everytime i restart myeclipse those files comeback to the old 3.8.2 version
thanks in advance
It’s not recommended to try to alter the MyEclipse configuration in this way. Have you tried setting the classpath in your project, or in a run or debug configuration? In a run/debug configuration you can set the classpath and add vm arguments, juch as -Djava.library.path or set environment variables.
To set a run or debug configuration, right click on the project and select Run As (or Debug As), then select Run Configurations (or Debug Configurations). Then double-click a configuration type (probably Java Application, in your case) or select the configuration type and click the “new” icon.Please let us know if this helps.
jfidelMemberi’m using the jniwrap.dll embedded in my code. every time i’m running my application i’m going to my resources package and load that dll. Again, there is no problem running my application in my production environment, the problem is running it inside myeclipse. apparently the dll embedded in myeclipse has more precedent that the one loaded by my application.
as a workaround i downgrade my jniwrap.dll in my java package so now i can run my application without problems but i wonder if there is another way to do that since i’m assuming in the future you are going to change the dll version.
previous versions of myeclipse didn’t get me that kind of problem and i was using version 9. this problem start with the latest 9 version and continues with 10.thanks
This is a tricky technical problem as your application runs as a child of the MyEclipse process. You may not have seen the problem earlier as jniwrapper was upgraded in 9.1, so earlier versions may have been sufficiently different to not cause a problem.
This is a problem that we’ll be looking into. In the meantime, I’ve sent you a private message with more information.