
jbosscmp-jdbc.xml missing in deployment [Closed]

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  • #225406 Reply


    Some times when I deploy my application on to the JBoss server (JBoss 3.2.3) using myEclipse (Eclipse 3.0.1 and myEclipse 3.8.4), the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml descriptor is not added to the jar file. The file is created by XDoclet together with ejb-jar.xml and jobss.xml in the same directory, and it looks correct to me. But when I deploy it on the jboss server it’s just not in the jar-file.
    Then again, sometimes it’s there. I’ve been trying to do things in different order and stuff, but I can’t seem to find out why it is sometimes in the jar file and somtimes its not.
    The only thing I know is that it is always generated and added to the output folder together with the other descriptors.
    Does myEclipse do any form of validating before adding it to the deployment?

    #225433 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Be sure to do a refresh before deploying, things that are generated outside of Eclipse’s field of view (external processes, Ant, XDoclet, etc.) need to be refreshed to be “seen” by the workbench… if the workbench sees them, then MyEclipse will see/package them.

    #225642 Reply


    Thanks. That seems to be my problem.

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