
JAX-WS Web Service Example… follow-up

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  • #291339 Reply


    I just finished the fairly new tutorial on WebService/Client (using JAX-WS instead of the old XFire) development and I was wondering if you have or know of a simple, EXTERNAL web service that a user could connect to besides the localhost Web Service created during the tutorial?

    I know you probably don’t need the security or bandwidth usage, but it always gives user’s a good feeling to know that they can connect to the world, outside the localhost environment.

    Also, does the Web Service you’re connecting to have to have been set up using the JAX-WS libraries?

    Also, are the JAX-WS libraries you used pulled from the JWSDP?… 2.0?

    #291346 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Also, does the Web Service you’re connecting to have to have been set up using the JAX-WS libraries?

    No, that is not required. That’s a fundamental web service benefit, they could be written in PHP and you can consume them in Java using JAX-WS, XFire, CXF, JAX-RS, etc. Of course, there are limitations and mismatches, but most standards compliant services and frameworks will work well with each other.

    If you go through our XFire client tutorial, you will see an example where we’ve connected to Microsoft’s Terra Service. You can use JAX-WS to generate the client instead, here is the WSDL location: http://terraservice.net/TerraService2.asmx?WSDL
    We recently presented at Eclipse World, where I demonstrated connecting to Amazon’s S3 service (which is very *real world*) with JAX-WS. More details here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/module-htmlpages-display-pid-379.html

    The JAX-WS libraries have been taken from project Metro http://metro.dev.java.net which has replaced the JWSDP; so you can be sure that JAX-WS (which is part of the JEE 5 spec) and Project Metro (which contains the JAX-WS RI) are here to stay.

    Hope this helps, let us know if you need more information.

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