
.java not getting updated based on .form

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  • #259211 Reply


    I have a form that I created with the gui / matisse – it looks great – however when i run the .java file it has not been updated with lots of my changes – it’s like they are disconnected – even though they have the same name. Is there a way to force the .java file to be rebuilt?


    #259215 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you be a bit more specific? For example, are you adding a field or label, then running the form and not seeing the form or label? If you look at your form, and find one of these fields that isn’t showing and check it’s name (e.g. jTextField13) and then go into the source for the form and do a Find, do you see references to that variable?

    #259226 Reply


    No – it’s way worse than that – my form has completely changed and when I look at it in form preview it’s correct. but when I run it it’s like it was a week ago. I have tried changing something and saving the form – but that doesn’t seem to change anything when I run it.

    #259230 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Just to clarify, I’m asking you to actually check the associated code file in the same package and with the same name as the .form file. For example, User.form and User.java, in the com.user package. As you add/remove components, can you check their variables names, then open the source and verify or deny that they exist in the source file?

    Did you ever refactor or move the files independently of eachother? They have to be in the same package, I wonder if they got separated.

    If everything is on the up and upa nd we can’t figure out what is going on and you can share this project with me, please export it to a ZIP (File > Export > Archive) and send it to [email protected] ATTN Riyad, with a link to this discussion so I know why I’m getting the file.

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