
jar files in library

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  • #205991 Reply

    John Myers

    How do I mark a jar file i’ve included in my build path to be exported to the lib folder of my war file?

    I am getting a bizzare error when I try to run a servlet that is accessing a custom class in a jar file – it works on the first request but throws a noclassdeffound on the subsequent requests. manually throwing it into the lib directory doesnt work, and even if it did myeclipse would delete it every redeploy.

    I’ve tryed creating a new project and re-importing everything and same error. WTF

    running M8 on XP, deploying on jboss 3.2.3.

    #205997 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    [email protected],
    We don’t currently support this, but due to *extremely* popular demand, this type of functionality will be forthcomming with our massive project infrstructure reworking in MyEclipse 2.8/3.8. We are hoping for a release at the end of May.

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