
Is workspace from 5.1.1 compatible with 7.1.1?

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  • #300254 Reply


    We have recently upgraded from MyEclipse 5.5.1 to 7.1.1. I continued to use the workspace and projects from 5.5.1. I notices some changes in the package explorer display. For example, the EJB3 project name, which belong to an Enterprise parent project, was no longer displayed using the project name. Instead, it was displayed as “Project”. Also I had some hard time to debug. MyEclipse 7.1.1 failed to stop at some break points no matter what I do. I’m wonder if 7.1.1 is backword compatible with 5.1.1’s workspace. Any thing I need to do to upgrade the workspace?


    #300256 Reply

    Loyal Water

    MyEclipse 7.1.1 failed to stop at some break points no matter what I do. I’m wonder if 7.1.1 is backward compatible with 5.1.1’s workspace.

    MyEclipse 7.1.1should be able to read projects created by MyEclipse 5.1.1 without issues.

    What kind of a project are you working with? If you create a new project of that type using MyEclipse 7.1.1, are you able to debug this project without issue?

    For example, the EJB3 project name, which belong to an Enterprise parent project, was no longer displayed using the project name. Instead, it was displayed as “Project”.

    Can you send me a screenshot pointing this issue out. You can hit the pm button under my post and mail me the screenshot.

    #300700 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Did you try closing/reopening the project and restarting as I had suggested? Did it help ?

    To help you with the debugging issue, I would need some more information form you. What server are you working with? What file are you debugging ?

    #300740 Reply



    Glad you mentioned to close the project. I found that if the project is in the closed state, MyEclipse 7.1 displays the real project name. But when it is opened, MyEclipse 7.1 changes the display to “Porject”. Note that this EJB project is part of another JEE project.

    As I mentioned before in my earlier pm, the debugging problem is complicated. I was using either JBoss 5.1.0.GA or WebLogic 10.3. The application is a WebServices packaged in a war together with a lot of supporting jars. The target that caused the problem was a one of the supporting code packaged in a jar and included in the war. The executing context is JAXWS SOAP handler being invoked by the application server.


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