- This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by Arthur Clifford.
beleta1ParticipantKeeping in mind that the Codemix engine is a little bit buggy is necessary to restart it form time to time.
The only way I found to restart the engine is to go to the Codemix Extension page and there to unmark and remark one of the extensions, and then to click on the yellow circle to restart the engine.
Is there a more direct method to perform this action?
If not it will be very helpful if you develop this direct method.
Jose M beleta
Aaron LaraMemberHello! For what reason do you need to restart it frequently? Does it stop responding? It would be good to know under which conditions it starts misbehaving. Responding to your question, you can reload it from the command palette (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P) and typing
Reload CodeMix Engine
Aaron Lara
Arthur CliffordParticipantTo answer Aaron’s Question:
For me the codemix engine goes wonky if I have too many tabs open, maybe more than 5 or 6, especially if I’m running a sever via ng serve. It may make a difference having the ProjectExplorer open all the time and bidirectionally synched to the current script.Anyway, between all the file change detection and what not things seem to start destabiliizng especially if you are serving stuff and thing are rebuilding frequently.
Given an angular component can have a template file, and a ts file and it is possible to make changes to the template that refer to stuff you haven’t added to the TS file and then you save before going to the ts file. Of course it rebuilds and puts errors out to the console. Then make and save your changes to the TS file and it saves and clears up the output.
The destabilization I’ve seen is one of a couple phenomena:
* Editing a TS file will suddenly start adding extra lines an formatting stuff weird and mangling the code. T
* solution to that is close without saving and then reopening the file (probably also smart to close some tabs)
* The template file will lose its connection to the TS file and will think references to variables and functions are invalid.
* since this doesn’t prevent a build from succeeding it can largely be ignored, but it is a symptom that CodeMix or something is unahppy.
* it doesn’t usually take long before that start’s happening.
* What I got today was a message saying the Codemix Engine failed for some reason and would need to be restarted which I didn’t know how to do beyond rebooting the app.I know that ng serve is not something y’all control, but it would be nice if there were a way to run it so that it doesn’t change detect but can on user-triggerd rebuild do more of what it is doing when the change detection stuff triggers a quick rebuild on save. Because stopping the server and waiting for a full reubild is non-viable and saving every couple lines of code that are changes triggers too many rebuilds, and not saving often runs the risk of TS files going wonky and losing too much progress.
Although I came here with the same question as the Author, I figured out an actual the Author’s question:
* In the upper right there is a Quick Access button
* Start typing: restart CodeMix and you will see an option:
Force Start CodeMix Engine
Clicking that option will restart codemix.Once you have done that it will be in the QuickAccess menu as a recent action.