- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 2 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
bansiMemberI am using JSF 1.1_01 (MyFaces 1.1), Spring 1.2, Ajax4Jsf.
The JSF application has h:selectOneMenu .On change event of h:selectOneMenu sets “selectedValue” in backing bean as shown below:
——————-<h:selectOneMenu value=”#{test.selectedDevice}” >
<f:selectItem itemValue=”0″ itemLabel=”–New–“/>
<f:selectItem itemValue=”1″ itemLabel=”WorkStation”/>
<f:selectItem itemValue=”2″ itemLabel=”Router”/>
<f:selectItem itemValue=”3″ itemLabel=”Switch”/>
<ajax:support action=”#{test.loadDevice}” event=”onchange” reRender=”t2,t3,t4,t5″/>
TestBean.java (Backing Bean)
———————–public String getSelectedDevice() {
logger.info(” *** In getSelectedDevice *** “);
if (selectedDevice == null) {selectedDevice = “0”; // This will be the default selected item.
return selectedDevice;
}public void setSelectedDevice(String selectedDevice) {
logger.info(” *** In setSelectedDevice *** “);
this.selectedDevice = selectedDevice;
}Here are the configuration files for integrating JSF Spring
<property-class> test.DeviceTypeManager </property-class>
</managed-bean>The above code results in the following error
javax.faces.FacesException: Cannot get value for expression ‘#{test.selectedDevice}’
The error occurs only if i include <managed-property> inside the <managed-bean> in faces-config.xml.
The moment i remove <managed-property> from face-config.xml the error disappears & page gets rendered properly.The purpose in using <managed-property> is to integrate JSF with Spring i.e. calling deviceManager
Any pointers/suggestions in resolving the error will be highly appreciated
Riyad KallaMemberMoving to OT > Soft Dev
Bansi sorry I don’t have any pointers for you, I’ve never tried combining JSF and Spring (yet atleast) as JSF does a good amount of the injection I need it to.