
Installation, Pulse, proxy, etc. i gave up for now!

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  • #294388 Reply

    Nicole Wilms


    I just tried to install 7.0.1 on my PC. I have been using myeclipse for sometime and never had a problem installing a new version. However I gave up on installing 7.0.1.
    a) I keeps forgetting my proxy settings.
    b) It tries to download some maven parts which locks up my workspace so I can not start anything, I cannot cancel the download, and the download failes never because of the lacking proxy setting
    c) I can not install subclipse without Pulse as the http:// installation way only let me select 1 option of the subclipse package. The normal ‘manage install’ tool allowed you to select more parts from one http:// source.
    d) I do not like pulse, as I need to register… why force something like this on a happy user!
    e) I can not locate the normal ‘manage install new’ tool anymore. Pulse seems the only way and it fails!



    #294391 Reply


    hrsolutions, I urge you not to give up, but I can urge you to get angry. Evidently this Pulse business must not be affecting enough customers (or not as many as are affected are complaining) for them to take decisive action to fix it.

    I would write directly to [email protected] and see how they respond. I’ve done that today and my next step is to call and try my darnedest to talk to a live person as to why they’re not reacting.

    I don’t even know what to ask my NETWORK people to do as far as punching a hole in the firewall for this. You’d think the least Genutec (MyEclipse) could do is publish something we could take to the network people so we don’t go there in ignorance.

    #294401 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Guys all this stuff was fixed last night when we rolled out the Pulse 2.4 update. Can you apply the update and see if life gets better?

    #294403 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sorry, jumped the gun there a bit… to apply the update fire up MyEclipse 7.0 and either let the Dashboard come up and list it, or go to MyEclipse > Manage MyEclipse Plug-ins, it will be listed as a “Pulse Services” update.

    That should fix the issues with most proxies, /dropins support, better add/remove software management, support for adding software from update sites, local update sites, public catalog, public eclipse site or just about anyplace else you want — all with a nice filtering search box for it all.

    #294417 Reply


    I did this, where do I drop in my plug-in now?

    #294431 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    After the update has been applied, when you drill down to the MyEclipse 7.0 installation directory, you should see a /dropins folder under there, and inside of it a /plugins and /features folder — you can drop the appropriate parts right in there.

    It’s outlined here in our doc as well:

    #294460 Reply


    Ok got it, just updating Pulse didn’t create the directory, I had to create a new Profile for MyEclipse too. Keep up the great work!

    #294475 Reply

    Nicole Wilms

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Guys all this stuff was fixed last night when we rolled out the Pulse 2.4 update. Can you apply the update and see if life gets better?

    How can I install the pulse update, when I can NOT enter my proxy settings and can not install Pulse update?

    Can you please make a myEclipse 7.0.2 package with the Pulse update inside?



    #294514 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    We are working on some updated MyEclipse 7.0 installers that will include the new version of Pulse, they will be ready early next week (likely Monday). Sorry for the delay.

    #294544 Reply

    Chip Edwards

    @support-rkalla wrote:


    We are working on some updated MyEclipse 7.0 installers that will include the new version of Pulse, they will be ready early next week (likely Monday). Sorry for the delay.

    In my case, it stops working AFTER the update. Therefore, the update will break some while fixing others.

    #294704 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You can grab the new re-spun 7.0 installers that include Pulse 2.4 here: <snip>

    rcedwards, you can try a re-install with one of the mentioned installers to see if that corrects the issue. I’m not familiar with your problem so I can’t say exactly what caused it, but a reinstall proper with 2.4 from the get-go might do it.

    #294994 Reply


    You can grab the new re-spun 7.0 installers that include Pulse 2.4 here: <snip>

    Problem: poweredbypulse.com is blocked at my location (and, I imagine, for many other enterprise users as well) since it is a ‘shareware’ site. Can you make these updates available relative to http://www.myeclipseide.com? That location is safe.

    So far, I’m rather disappointed in this release. The new features are enticing, but nothing works without LOTS of ‘net checking, which is defaulted to non-working settings. So nothing works, and the IDE hangs a lot.

    Cheers! — Bill

    #295014 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Bill, we will be releasing 7.1 shortly which will be an updated MyEclipse release with updated installers. Sorry for the delay, but these installers will go through a full QA cycle as the management team asked us to stop distributing the previous quick-cut installers.

    #295276 Reply


    Could you please give us the date when the new version is going to be released. I am having the same problem as the other users above. I cannot acces poweredbypulse.com because of the internal enterprise policy (the site is blocked), but I also cannot install Subclipse from the local installation because it is always trying to update MyEclipse from Pulse.
    Will this issue be resolved in the new version?


    #295287 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Could you please give us the date when the new version is going to be released.

    Looking like next week, we have been in QA for 2 weeks and are wrapping up loose ends.

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