
IDE lockup on OS X?

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  • #239397 Reply

    Sean Dynan

    Hi all

    My Eclipse IDE locks up with alarming ease on Mac OS X and Java 5.

    Has anyone else noticed this? Both the Eclipse and MyEclipse installations are completely fresh.

    Eclipse 3.1.1
    MyEclipse 4.0.2 GA
    Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.2
    JDK 1.5.0_04
    Dual CPU PowerMac


    #239483 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Do you mean things can hang or the entire workbench stops painting and is hard-locked?

    #239491 Reply

    Sean Dynan

    I mean the entire workbench stops painting and is hard-locked. I have to use Activity Monitor to kill it. 🙁

    #239493 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is this a brand new clean install of Eclipse 3.1.1 and MyEclipse 4.0.2? Have you installed ANY other plugins?

    #239495 Reply

    Sean Dynan

    I’m inclined to believe it’s something to do with Apple’s Java impl because I’ve used Eclipse successfully on Windows and Linux for a couple of years already. I have to use <shudder>Netbeans</shudder> now 🙁

    Actually, I’m having weird Swing issues with Netbeans too. For example, after a time the editor will cease receiving keyboard input and you have to launch and quit some random IDE component to ‘unlock’ the keyboard queue again. It’s unbelievably frustrating (as is Netbeans’ less-than-stellar productivity and debugging capabilities, but that’s a separate rant). So my hunch is that Apple’s JRE is the culprit.

    #239496 Reply

    Sean Dynan

    Yep – a brand new, clean installation of Eclipse 3.1.1 and ME 4.0.2 into ~/devtools/eclipse and ~/devtools/MyEclipse.

    The only other plugin I have installed is Subclipse. But I’ve seen this problem for a while (like, weeks) which is why I’ve resorted to using Netbeans.

    Like I said, my hunch is that Apple’s 1.5 JRE is a bit ropey. I just wanted to see if anyone else was suffering the same symptoms, cos at least that would point to the problem not being my machine or set-up.

    #239530 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Keep us posted on what you find, I did some poking around our internal tracker as well as bugs.eclipse.org and and wow, it really seems that Mac has it’s fair share of growing pains. I’m sorry to hear you are running into these oddities, I’ll ask our Mac tester to bang around on our install.

    BTW is there a way to have 1.4.2 and 1.5 insalled? Runing with 1.4.2 may help.

    #239539 Reply

    Sean Dynan

    wow, it really seems that Mac has it’s fair share of growing pains

    Yes, scarey isn’t it?

    BTW is there a way to have 1.4.2 and 1.5 insalled? Runing with 1.4.2 may help.

    Yes, this is easily done by swapping a symlink. That’s my next course of action for Eclipse if I can free the time. However, it kills my project in Netbeans because I use Stripes and it relies on Java 5. Plus Tomcat 5.5 needs a specific patch to run on a 1.4 JRE 🙁 It’s a bit of a mess really.

    #239552 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    However, it kills my project in Netbeans because I use Stripes and it relies on Java 5.

    In both Eclipse and Netbeans you can specify which VM to run the IDE with. For Eclipse you can use the -vm switch:
    eclipse.exe -vm c:\j2sdk1.4.2_09\bin\javaw.exe

    and for Netbeans, you edit the conf file under the /etc dir under your install dir. There is a JAVA_HOME line in there near the bottom.

    Additionally, both IDEs support setting up multiple JREs, and then specifying which one, on a per-project basis, you want to use. This may get you what you want without monking with sym links at all.

    #239556 Reply

    Sean Dynan

    for Netbeans, you edit the conf file under the /etc dir under your install dir. There is a JAVA_HOME line in there near the bottom.

    Additionally, both IDEs support setting up multiple JREs, and then specifying which one, on a per-project basis, you want to use. This may get you what you want without monking with sym links at all.

    Well the former has the same effect as the latter. What I mean is, for Ant, ${java.home} becomes the 1.4 JDK which means the Jasper JSP compiler won’t compile JSPs with Java 5 TLDs in them 🙁

    I could turn off the JSP compiler I suppose. But that’s a shame. And I’d have to patch Tomcat 5.5 for JDK1.4. It’s all a big pile-o-poop.

    I might try getting a more stable Eclipse since that’s one of the reasons I’m using Netbeans at all (that, and Ant-outta-the-box).

    I’m sure you guys don’t want to discuss Netbeans in MyEclipse forums 😉



    eclipse.exe -vm c:\j2sdk1.4.2_09\bin\javaw.exe

    Does anyone know how to pass command line args to an OS X app? X-D

    #239591 Reply

    Sean Dynan


    I’ve tried JDK 1.4.2 as well as the latest 1.5 from Apple and the Eclipse lock-up problem still exists.

    Now, that’s even more scary cos it looks like the JDK might not really be at fault.

    In fact, once the problem manifests itself (and it might take an hour or more), repeated restarts of Eclipse make no difference: I have to reboot the Mac to restore some semblance of stability to Eclipse.

    I guess you haven’t noticed anything like that in your test environments? I’m using a dual 2GHz CPU PowerMac.

    #239592 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    When the problem happens and you exit Eclipse, can you check your process list and see if any instances of “java” are running? If they are not, and you are still seeing the problem and only a reboot can fix it, then I would put my money on demons… or external library versions if you aren’t big on spirits.

    Additionally does including -clean in the shortcut you use to launch MyEclipse help?

    #239594 Reply

    Sean Dynan

    Nope – no Java processes running.

    does including -clean in the shortcut you use to launch MyEclipse help

    Don’t laugh too loudly, but I don’t know how to pass command line switches to an OS X app! Obviously there’s a way to do it, but in OS X Airbag we’re mollycoddled into not having to know such arcane and useful tricks 🙁

    After much hunting I came across this Eclipse bug (you may have spotted it yourself):

    It’s a long read, but the cat is let out of the bag in this comment:

    Hopefully this is what I’m experiencing. But I’ll have to wait until OS X 10.4.3 is released, dammit. I thought OS X was supposed to be a great platform for Java dev…mutter, mutter…

    Thanks for all your help.

    #239596 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No worries with the command line args, is there an eclipse.ini file in your Eclipse directory? You can just put them in there, 1 argument per line.

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