
Howto disable MyEclipse from removing deployments on startup

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  • #275464 Reply


    I have a problem with the deployments in MyEclipse 5.5.1-GA.
    Im not sure if it’s a bug or im missing some setting in MyEclipse.

    When restarting MyEclipse on my Windows XP, it removes already deployed web projects.
    I found the reason, i think.
    If MyEclipse doesnt find any open projects in the workbench, on startup, it removes the deployments made for these projects earlier.
    Since I find it useful to close projects in my workbench that im not currently using, this becomes an annoyance, when i have set up an deployment for that project and for some reason restarts MyEclipse/Windows XP and its then removed.

    Is this a feature request for coming MyEclipse or is it possible to say something like “disable remove deployments for closed projects on startup” in the MyEclipse IDE?


    #275480 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Hi Anders,
    This sounds like a bug. Can you point out the steps to reproduce this bug ? I want to test this at my end as well before I file it for my dev team.

    #275516 Reply

    Ok, here is what ive done:

    1. Im using MyEclipse Version: 5.5.1 GA Build id: 20070521-5.5.1-GA
    on a Windows XP sp2 using jdk 1.5.0_11.
    2. Create new web project with default settings (J2EE 1.4 and so on).
    3.Add a class HelloWorld to the web project with some simple test code.
    4.Add a jsp page using the HelloWorld class to the web project
    5. On the server tab in the MyEclipse Java Enterprise Development perspective I have four app servers available: Jboss 4.x, MyEclipse Derby, Tomcat 5.x and Tomcat 6.x.
    6. I have used Tomcat 5.x for my deployments, pointing to an Tomcat 5.5.15 installation.
    7. right click on the Tomcat 5.x and choose manage deployments.
    8. Click add button. And then use the web project name and create Exploded archive. Click finish.
    9. My web project has been successfully deployed, it says. And the Tomcat 5.x icon has a plus sign added to the left, which is expandable.
    10. Now right click on the web project in the package explorer and choose Close Project.
    11. Restart MyEclipse IDE.
    12. After restart the MyEclipse Java Enterprise Development perspective shows the app servers tab with the four app servers again, but the Tomcat 5.x is missing its deployment of the created web project.

    As a comment, if you restart MyEclipse with the web project still open, it keeps the deployment for the app server.

    Hopes this explains the problem,

    #275517 Reply

    One more comment is that this problem occurs when Im using deploy to externally launched app server as well.

    #275534 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I was able to reproduce this at my end as well. I have filed this at as a bug for my dev team. Ill get back to you with and update ASAP.

    #277097 Reply

    This message has not been recovered.

    #277134 Reply

    Loyal Water

    This message has not been recovered.

    #277991 Reply

    This message has not been recovered.

    #278000 Reply

    Loyal Water

    This message has not been recovered.

    #279434 Reply

    Yes, now ive had time to test this some more in 6.0.1 release of MyEclipse.
    The same procedure as before:

    1. Im using MyEclipse Version: 5.5.1 GA Build id: 20070521-5.5.1-GA
    on a Windows XP sp2 using jdk 1.5.0_11.
    2. Create new web project with default settings (J2EE 1.4 and so on).
    3.Add a class HelloWorld to the web project with some simple test code.
    4.Add a jsp page using the HelloWorld class to the web project
    5. On the server tab in the MyEclipse Java Enterprise Development perspective I have four app servers available: Jboss 4.x, MyEclipse Derby, Tomcat 5.x and Tomcat 6.x.
    6. I have used Tomcat 5.x for my deployments, pointing to an Tomcat 5.5.15 installation.
    7. right click on the Tomcat 5.x and choose manage deployments.
    8. Click add button. And then use the web project name and create Exploded archive. Click finish.
    9. My web project has been successfully deployed, it says. And the Tomcat 5.x icon has a plus sign added to the left, which is expandable.
    10. Now right click on the web project in the package explorer and choose Close Project.
    11. Restart MyEclipse IDE.
    12. After restart the MyEclipse Java Enterprise Development perspective shows the app servers tab with the four app servers again, but the Tomcat 5.x is missing its deployment of the created web project.

    Though, with a difference this time.
    The situation remains but when i do the following as a complement to the above steps, the deployed project reoccurs in the servers tab:

    13. MyEclipse has restarted after the steps before and no deployment shows in the servers tab.
    14. Open the web project again in the Package Explorer. In the servers tab still no deployments for the web project.
    15. Restart MyEclipse again, but this time leave the web project opened.
    16. When restart has completed, the servers tab has the deployment of the web project visible!!

    So in 6.0.1 i think that i can handle the situation a little better.
    However, if I for some reason have closed a project with deployments connected to it and restarted MyEclipse i dont have to make a new deploy after restart any more. Instead it should be possible to just open the project again and then do a restart of MyEclipse.

    But that solution probably takes as much time as adding a new deployment of the web project.


    #279450 Reply

    Loyal Water

    This enhancement has already been logged. Our developers are working on it. Thank you for taking time out to do this research for us.

    #291437 Reply

    Hello again!

    I have now upgraded to 6.6.
    Just for your information, the problem remains.
    As before it is possible to get the projects back open if you open the project and restarts the IDE.


    #291577 Reply

    Loyal Water

    The dev team is working on this issue the what we have found out is that the deployment is not being removed but is not presented in the servers view since the project is closed and its state can not be updated. Thus it is not shown as an active deployed project. But when the project is opened the serversView is not aware
    of the project’s state change and thus does not refresh its contents with deployments of the newly opened project.

    This is targeted for the 7.1 release.

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