- This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 3 months ago by
I really need your help on how to set the text widget text to target screen.
Thanks in advance.
I am not following your question. Are you having trouble laying out your UI using the text widget, if yes please see more info about text widget in this doc: http://www.genuitec.com/mobile/docs/widgetReference/widgetReference.html#text_properties
If the problem is different, can you restate your question and even better include a screenshot?
creenx0625MemberIt was solved now. Thanks…
By the way I am also having a problem on generating the html file. If I set values on click event properties, the next screen is generated, but if I use javascript function for handling the transitions, the html file automatically delete the div of the target screen.
I need to customized the transitions for the validations and other requirements.
Hoping for your help for this issue.
Thank you very much for your immediate support.
support-michaelKeymasterYou should avoid modifying the html code generated by mobione. There are pre and post screen transition hooks already available in your app’s <project>_custom.js that you can add your own logic. See working with generated code guide: http://www.genuitec.com/mobile/docs/workingWithGeneratedFiles/workingWithGeneratedFiles.html
creenx0625MemberThanks for your reply.
Btw, I didn’t do any modifications on generated html by mobione. The issue is if i didn’t set the the click action on the on the current screen, there’s always an error due to it can not find the target screen id and it’s not visible on the html upon generation.
support-michaelKeymaster> The issue is if i didn’t set the the click action on the on the current screen, there’s always an error due to it can not find the target screen id and it’s not visible on the html upon generation.
I’m not groking what you are describing. Please describe exactly how to replicate this issue or better post a small example project that demonstrates the issue. Then we can see what you are seeing.
creenx0625MemberHi Wayne:
Thank you very again for your reply.
Basically, what i did is, when i am done on the design i always click the “Generate Application Files” from the menu to be able to see the DIV for the new created screen.
1. Current Screen = m1-firstscreen
2. Target Screen = m1-secondscreenThe Div will appear on the HTML File only if I set the button action properties to “Goto Screen” then by clicking the “Generate Application Files”.
But if I set the action properties to Run Java Script, the div for the target screen were deleted after clicking the generate application files. and it creates an error that the target screen does not exist.
Please help me on how to handle page transitions.
support-octavioMemberHi creenx0625,
>But if I set the action properties to Run Java Script, the div for the target screen were deleted after clicking the generate application files. and it creates an error that the target screen does not exist.
If you don’t have a link to secondary screen Mobione will not generate code for his screen in generated html file, thus you need to add your secondary screen as Additional Project File. See: http://www.genuitec.com/mobile/docs/projectOrg/projectOrg.html#organizing_new_project
creenx0625MemberThat’s what I did each screens has new layout. To be able to get/generate the HTML for that layout. I click Generate Application Files to create div on HTML File.
But It will only generate if the click action property for the first Screen is set to Goto Screen. But if I set it to Run Javascript
it will automatically remove the div for the second screen on HTML File after clicking the generate application files.My application process explained below
1. Validation of patient by matching Patient File Number and the Last Four Digit of Mobile Number.
— if correct then proceed on OTP Code Screen
— else displaying error. (It display the error but it proceeds on OTP Code Screen).2. Validate Code received via SMS
— if correct then proceed on eServices Screen
— Display error but it proceeds on the next screen.Please see attached process process flow and javascript code…
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support-michaelKeymaster>But It will only generate if the click action property for the first Screen is set to Goto Screen. But if I set it to Run Javascript it will automatically remove the div for the second screen on HTML File after clicking the generate application files.
In order to include secondary design files (.mobi files other than the initial startup file) into the application you must either:
1) reference the secondary .mobi file from a GotoScreen action in the previous screen to it in the screen flow OR
2) include the .mobi file as an additional file to the app, see the last paragraph of Section-1 in this doc http://www.genuitec.com/mobile/docs/workingWithGeneratedFiles/workingWithGeneratedFiles.html (Octavio referenced it a few posts above).Assuming that your submit button needs to do more than transition to the next screen then #2 applies. It’s simple as this screenshot. The code generator will create the process and generate html code for all additional .mobi files. See attachment additional-file1.png
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