
GLITCH: Scrollbars are different from CI 8 vs. CI 9 + Progress view scrollbar

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  • #544511 Reply


    In Windows, scrollbars used to look the same as any other scrollbar in Windows. From CI 9, apparently someone had the initiative to develop their own scrollbars.

    Why? And if you’re going to keep this around, at least make them visible at all times and increase the size so I don’t have to pixel hunt looking for my scrollbar.

    Adding insult to injury, the scrollbar doesn’t even need to be visible. Apparently the Progress view will show a scrollbar even though there is more than enough space to show the status.

    #544535 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    The behavior you speak of would occur if you choose to use the DevStyle Theme (Darkest Dark in CI 8 and earlier), or the standard Eclipse Dark theme. However, we do not automatically switch users to these themes, so the fact that the behavior of the scrollbars changed after update to CI 9 is surprising – none of this should be new with CI 9.

    1) Are you talking about scrollbars in editors, or in views like the progress view, or both? If you could share a screenshot, that would help.

    2) Can you tell us what theme you have selected at Window > Preferences > General > Appearance? Selecting the Classic or Windows theme really should give you back the regular scrollbar behavior.

    #544554 Reply


    1) There was a different scrollbar in the Progress view. It looked like a scrollbar you’d see on a Mac OSX system. For some reason the view had a scrollbar even though there was plenty of room to show the progress items. I wanted to cancel a few items but I needed to scroll them into view. Every time I scrolled to the right and clicked the “Terminate” button on the progress item it would refresh the Progress view and scroll back to the left. Because the new scrollbar auto-hides I was having difficulty scrolling to the right, as I would try to scroll back to the right too quickly.

    2) Note that I’m currently running CI 8 again. General -> Appearance currently shows the “Windows” theme and the “Default (current)” color and font theme. “Enable animations” is unchecked. “Use mixed fonts and colors for labels” is checked. “Show most recently used tabs” is checked. Under General -> Appearance -> Color Theme I can see that “Darkest Dark” is the selected option. However, the color scheme does not appear to be any darker than it was before. (My background is currently light-blue or white.)

    #544589 Reply


    I just saw the same scrollbars in CI 8, so evidently this was not a change between CI 8 vs. CI 9 after all.

    In some cases (?) the Progress view needs more than 503px width. When this happens, a non-standard scrollbar is shown.

    I think there are two issues with this:

    1) Non-standard scrollbar instead of Windows scrollbar hurts the UX in my opinion. Especially when the scrollbar tends to disappear at the worst possible time, causing an extra delay.

    2) Why is there a scrollbar in the Progress view at all? If the description of a progress item is too large, shouldn’t it wrap over multiple lines? If not, I’d much prefer a “…” where I have to hover over the text rather than increasing the width of the container. Or if the Terminate button were moved to the left (but that may cause issues on RTL screens).

    #544596 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Your appearance settings are the default. The Darkest Dark Color Theme, in CI 8, would only affect editor colors and not the editor background. For the real dark experience, you need to select Darkest Dark in the Appearance page (or DevStyle theme in CI 9). These settings have been reworked significantly in CI 9 to be far more streamlined, but I don’t think you want these changes.

    1) If you’re not using the Darkest Dark theme or the Eclipse dark theme, a non-standard scrollbar really should not show.

    2) When the text is too wide, it typically is truncated with ellipses, see the attached screenshot which a Progress view that is far less than 500 pixels wide.

    So, why you are seeing different behavior here is a mystery. Can you share a screenshot of the problem, if you manage to capture it – might help us realize something else that might be going wrong. I wonder if this problem is also specific to certain tasks.

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    #544603 Reply


    You’re in luck. I just reproduced it. Attached are screenshots.

    “scrn1.png” doesn’t show the scrollbar, but it is there. “scrn2.png” shows my current Progress view. There is a custom scrollbar, and the Terminate button has been pushed to the right.

    I’m also under the impression that I can see a custom scrollbar in your “progress-truncated.png” screenshot. The black border on the rightmost side of the image looks similar to the border of my custom scrollbar. (The scrollbar only becomes visible when you hover over it, otherwise it looks like a 1px border/line.)

    Clearing the entries in the Progress view does not remove the scrollbar. It’s still there, even though the view is blank.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Jozef_jb.
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    #544615 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Ha! You’re right, there is a custom scrollbar in my screenshot, I was so focused on looking for a horizontal bar, that I missed the veritical one.

    I have no idea why that is a custom bar only for this view (most others use the regular bar), and this is actually a change brought in by the base version of Eclipse – we’ll investigate regardless. There is also the question about the need for a horizontal bar, as shown in your second screenshot.

    For the custom bar, I do have a workaround. Edit your myeclipse.ini file, and add this line at the end of the file: -Dswt.enable.themedScrollBar=false (it should be in the vmargs section, post -vmargs with all the other -D arguments. Restart MyEclipse and you may still see the scrollbars, but at least they will now be the native bars.

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