- This topic has 11 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 7 months ago by
Scott Anderson.
abuhashimMemberAll my JSPs are showing errors. One of the errors is below. They all seem to be the same error.
Error javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/TagSupport loginwelcome.jsp Wads/WebRoot/common line 0
Scott AndersonParticipantWe’re looking into this problem now and will post an update when more information is available. It appears that it may be unique to the Linux version at this point. You might try explicitly adding the Sun servlet library (v2.3) explicitly to your classpath to see if this works around the issue.
MyEclipse Support
abuhashimMemberthat doesn’t make any difference
No OperationMemberWhat OS /JDK are you using???
Sounds like Linux JDK1.3.1…?
abuhashimMemberI have used the IBM 1.4.1 JDK and the Blackdown 1.4.1 JDK
OS is Gentoo Linux
mercatorgeoMemberI have the same problem on Suse 8.2 with IBMJava2-1.3.1 SDK.
Is there any information on when the patch should be available?
Scott AndersonParticipantWe’ve replicated this problem internally and have already fixed it. It will be deployed in our first service update by Monday 7/28.
MyEclipse Support
mercatorgeoMemberI’ve upgraded to MyEclipse 2.5.1 via the install/update perspective and most of the errors are gone. However, one remains after I’ve done a total recompile:
Description: “javax/servlet/http/HttpSession”, Location: “line 0”.
The problem is gone when I remove the jsp:setProperty tag. (But I don’t want to do that 😉 )
source for the .jsp:<%@ page import="com.bla.bla" %> <html> <head> <title> showMatrix </title> </head> <jsp:useBean id="showMatrixBeanId" scope="session" class="com.bla.bla" /> <jsp:setProperty name="showMatrixBeanId" property="view" /> <body> <% showMatrixBeanId.setSession(session); if(showMatrixBeanId.getView().equals("excel")) response.sendRedirect(showMatrixBeanId.getMatrix()); else{ %> <jsp:getProperty name="showMatrixBeanId" property="matrix" /> <% }%> </body> </html>
😉 😉
Scott AndersonParticipantWell, all I can say is that we’ll look into it further. It’s really weird that Linux behaves so differently in this regard than Windows does. It’s really a bit of a “stumper”. In any case, I’ve entered a new issue into our internal tracking system so we can investigate further.
By the way, what is your exact environment?
I’ll post a reply to this thread when we determine what’s going on.
MyEclipse Support
Scott AndersonParticipantThis problem was isolated, fixed, and will be available in the 2.5.2 service release.
Thanks for reporting it.
MyEclipse Support
François VanzeverenMemberHello,
I am running into the same trouble with my Linux Box. This problem only affects the one jsp, and does not seems to affect any of the feature of this amazing tool.
When do you plan to relase the version 2.5.2?
Congratulation and best regards
Scott AndersonParticipantI am running into the same trouble with my Linux Box. This problem only affects the one jsp, and does not seems to affect any of the feature of this amazing tool.
It was a classloader issue that caused this problem and it is fixed in 2.5.2, which will be made available sometime in the week of 8/18/2003. You can see the high-level feature set in the new post of the announcements forum, but this is one of the issues addressed. Please be sure you’re signed up for our newsletter if you want to receive an email when the update is made available.
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