- This topic has 21 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by
I downloaded Flex3 SDK and I would like to get started to try on Flex3.
Can anyone point me to tutorial for Flex3 and MyEclipse?
Also, how can I plug the Flex 3 into MyEclipse?
I have tried this address http://www.iterationtwo.com/fdsplugin/
but I have this errorNetwork connection problems encountered during search.
Unable to access “http://www.iterationtwo.com/fdsplugin/”.
Error parsing site stream. [The XML stream is not a valid default “site.xml” file. The root tag is not site.]
The XML stream is not a valid default “site.xml” file. The root tag is not site.
Error parsing site stream. [The XML stream is not a valid default “site.xml” file. The root tag is not site.]
The XML stream is not a valid default “site.xml” file. The root tag is not site.
Loyal WaterMemberCan anyone point me to tutorial for Flex3 and MyEclipse?
We don’t have a tutorial for working with Flex3 and MyEclipse together.
Also, Flex builder is not certified to run with MyEclipse though some user have been able to successfully run these two together in the past.
Amlan BanerjeeMemberYou have to download and install Flex 3 in your local machine. If you have opted for the default path then it Flex 3 would be at the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3 Plug-in location.
Now from your MyEclipse Top Menu, Select Help->Software Updated->Add Remove Software.
Click on the button Add Software
Click Manage Sites
Click Add
Select Local and Browse to your Flex Installation Folder. Then select the Flex Update site. For example for me it was “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3 Plug-in\com.adobe.flexbuilder.update.site”
Once selected then hit OK button and then follow the on screen instruction and Flex 3 options would show once you restart the MyEclipse.I hope it will be helpful.
Loyal WaterMemberThank you for posting this information. I’m sure this would be very helpful to the users in the forums.
JochenAtTradelecMemberI’m having problems with updating when I install the Flex Builder 3 plugin in my MyEclipse v.7…
anybody can confirm that he’s using the two (fb 3 plugin + MyEclipse 7) together without any issues perhaps?If I deinstall FB3, I can do the upgrades again and reinstall FB3 plugin though.
Loyal WaterMemberJochenAtTradelec,
I haven’t come across other users reporting this issue but if you could uninstall FB3 and then upgrade and reinstall FB3, I guess your good to go again.
MorkParticipantThe above method does not successfully install Flex 3 under 7.1 for me on th Mac!
psgman113Memberanybody succeed??
I posted a response to this in another thread, but basically, I had to install the Flex plug-in to a “temp” directory on the Mac, then go into MyEclipse and add a local site.
From there, I drilled down (in the local site) until I saw the Flex 3 plugin. Then, install the plug-in into (My)Eclipse like any other.
Once I installed it, I deleted the temp directory (which didn’t cause any problems for me).
The real problem I had was that, on the Mac, there doesn’t seem to be an “Eclipse” folder with a “configuration” folder beneath it, so the Flex installer coughs up a hairball right away.
Navigating to one of the MyEclipse folders with a “configuration” folder beneath it didn’t work (Flex installer warned me that I hadn’t selected the right directory), hence the manual steps I did above.
(I tried installing the Flex 3 plug-in using the MyEclipse configuration directories anway, despite the Flex 3 installer warnings, but those installs failed.)
However, once installed, the plug-in seems to work fine….though I haven’t checked to see if my MyEcilpse perspectives still work… 🙁
— M
psgman113Membercan you check, It could be helpful for us ?
Thank you.
MorkParticipantAhhh….check what?
— M
psgman113MemberCheck if the myeclipse perspectives still work?
Did you use flex in your myeclipse??
Doed Someone use flex in Vista with myeclipse?
MorkParticipantYes, once installed the Flex and the Flex perspectives work fine. I can create a project, add code, use the design view…create a SWF file…the works.
— M
Aaron BaileyMemberThis message has not been recovered.
Loyal WaterMemberThis message has not been recovered.