
Extension Request not answered/license question

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  • #316141 Reply


    I am on project, we were testing MyEclipse for project usage.
    Choice was made to purchase. Big company, long chain for purchases…etc.
    Temp license expired, requested twice trial license extension under two different emails/domains. No response received.

    How do I continue using product when not provided with license extension per the terms of the original trial license?

    Second, short of me getting a law degree and understanding the license, what are the ramifications of MyEclipse usage for production work after trial license has expired (nag screens active)?


    #316155 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    We cannot handle this request on our forums, you would need to write in to [email protected]

    If you have already done this and your requests have not been answered, please let me know what email address you sent your request from (you can send me a private message with this info if preferred) and I will specifically search for your post in our support system and make sure it is addressed.

    Using MyEclipse beyond the license period would be illegal and should be discontinued; but not being a lawyer myself, if you need further clarification, our subscriptions department will help.

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