- This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 10 months ago by
ivansaraivaMemberHi All,
I’m extending the org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor as the rules in the Programming Jakarta Strus 2nd Edition book. I’m receiving the follow error page all times I configure the <controller> tag in the strus-config.xml.
What I’m doing wrong?
Even, if I just include the controller tag int the struts-config file with the CustomRequestProcessor extension class hasn’t any overwritten method I’d got the same behavior, Why?
If I comment the <controller> tag in the struts-config file, all things go fine!Thanks in advance,
error page
HTTP Status 404 – Servlet action is not available
type Status reportmessage Servlet action is not available
description The requested resource (Servlet action is not available) is not available.
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC “-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.2//EN” “http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-config_1_2.dtd”>
<data-sources />
<form-beans >
type=”com.dedalus.struts.form.LoginForm” />
<form-bean name=”indexForm” type=”com.dedalus.struts.form.IndexForm” />
</form-beans><global-exceptions />
<global-forwards >
</global-forwards><action-mappings >
<forward name=”erro” path=”/login.jsp” />
<forward name=”sucesso” path=”/main.jsp” />
type=”org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction” /><action
validate=”false” /></action-mappings>
processorClass=”com.dedalus.strus.CustomRequestProcessor”/><message-resources parameter=”com.dedalus.struts.ApplicationResources” />
* Created on Apr 2, 2005
* TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window – Preferences – Java – Code Style – Code Templates
package com.dedalus.struts;import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import java.util.Locale;import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor;
import org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig;
import org.apache.struts.Globals;import com.dedalus.utils.IConstants;
* @author administrator
* TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window – Preferences – Java – Code Style – Code Templates
public class CustomResquestProcessor extends RequestProcessor {protected boolean processPreprocess (
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);//If user is trying to access login page
// then don’t check
if( request.getServletPath().equals(“/loginInput.do”)
|| request.getServletPath().equals(“/login.do” ) )
return true;//Check if userName attribute is there is session.
//If so, it means user has allready logged in
if( session != null &&
session.getAttribute(IConstants.USER_CONTAINER) != null)
return true;
//If no redirect user to login Page
}catch(Exception ex){
return false;
Riyad KallaMemberWhat exactly is the validation error?
ivansaraivaMemberI see in session scope if there is an objet indicating that the user is logged in. By extending RequestProcessor I can test all requests send to server in just one place. I put a breakpoint into the CustomRequestProcessor , in this line “if( request.getServletPath().equals(“/loginInput.do”)”, but, the executiion didn’t reach it. The error page is raised before.
If the method processPreProcess return false the Struts doesn’t do any other thing and foward to login.jsp.Thanks,
ivansaraivaMemberIf I just extend the RequestProcessor class without overwriting any method the same error page appears to.
Riyad KallaMemberivan,
Your original post was about a validation error in your struts-config.xml file, NOW you are asking about a Struts processing exception, I am having a very hard time establishing what the problem even is here. Please clarify for me a) what the problem is and b) what you need help with. If this is a Struts question, you need to ask it on the Struts mailing list, not here. We are not Struts experts, even though we play them on TV.
ivansaraivaMemberThe question is the same all time!
If I add the <controller> tag in the strus-config file, pointing out to my extension RequestProcessor class I’ve got the error page described in the first message. Even if I overwrite, or not, any method. That’s all!
Is this the validation error that You talked about? I thought that it was about the processPreProcess method in my extension class.
I guess that both of us are misunderstanding each other.Ivan.
Riyad KallaMemberMoving to OT > Soft Dev, this is not a MyEclipse issue, this is a Struts development issue. I have never implemented a custom RequestProcessor and do not know why you are encountering this behavior.
I ran my application under Tomcat 5.5 in standalone mode, just under Windows, everything is OK! But, when I tried to run under the same Tomcat version in debug mode, under MyEclipse perspective, I’ve got the the error page that was described above.
Another thing with strus-config file, when I include the attribute “debug” in <controller> tag, the MyEclipse’s GUI shows me an error: “Attribute “”debug”” must to be declared for element type “”controller””.”
This isn’t still being a MyEclipse matter?Ivan.
Riyad KallaMemberIvan, that was my mistake. Moving back to J2EE.
support-michaelKeymasterI have an example struts 1.1 project with the following “controller” configuration. I will try porting it to Struts 1.2.
<!– <set-property property=”processorClass”
<set-property property=”processorClass” value=”com.yourcompany.struts.MyRequestProcessor”/>
support-michaelKeymasterI ported my example to Struts 1.2 and it worked fine when the controller was explictly configured to use the org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor and then later my custom RequestProcessor.
Try isolating the RequestProcessor problem by creating as simple WebProject. Add Struts 1.2 capabilities to the project. Then define only the controller element with the default Struts RequestProcess; don’t add any other elements to the file. Deploy the webProject, start Tomcat5 and see if the webserver can initialize it.
<controller processorClass="org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor"/>
If this works then try your custom RP. I have a simple RP subclass that logs every request and then delegates processing to the org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor superclass. Try doing something like this once the default RequestProcessor is deployed correctly.
Get it working, Get it working right, Get it working fast. Then make it small and maintainable.
Good luck!
ivansaraivaMemberHi Michael,
Apologies, there were a sequence of mistakes in my code. Wrong package name, class name no match with configuration’s statement.
Now, after I corrected my mistakes, everything works fine.
By the way, in my controller tag when I put ‘debug=”3″‘ the GUI shows me an error message ‘Attribute “debug” must to be declared for element type “controller”‘. I’ve deployed the application and the app runs without matter. Is it ok?Best Regards,
Ivan Saraiva
support-michaelKeymasterCongrats on your progress! Thank you for taking the time to follow up on this thread. Debugging configuration details can be a real pain.
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