I have the same problem with the Struts diagramming tool. This is a headache…after all, you don’t need diagrams so much for *small* Struts projects. I’m trying to cope with what happens to the text on the boxes on my screen when they get below a certain size…it goes grey and blurry; looks like it’s been prematurely rasterized before scaling.
Some sort of subsetting facility, or the ability to export the diagram (or subtrees of it) to other diagramming tools (to yEd via GraphML or GML, for example) would be very welcome, if the Eclipse graphics toolkit isn’t suited to this job.
I’m evaluating MyEclipse exactly because I needed a way to cope with a large Struts project; but if this is an example of what lies ahead (“your project is too large…it’s the platform’s fault”) I’ll go back to a pure Java toolset.