
Errors deploying web service

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  • #285353 Reply


    I went through the Creating a Web Service (Code-First) tutorial successfully. I then attempted to integrate the same process into my web program.

    All appears to have gone according to script, but when I deploy Tomcat, I get the following errors.

    SEVERE: Servlet /HurstHomeT threw load() exception
    PropertyAccessExceptionsException (2 errors)
    org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [java.lang.Class] for property ‘serviceClass’; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class not found: hursthome.ws.IHurstHomeWS
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class not found: hursthome.ws.IHurstHomeWS
    org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [java.lang.Class] for property ‘implementationClass’; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class not found: hursthome.ws.HurstHomeWSImpl
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class not found: hursthome.ws.HurstHomeWSImpl

    My services.xml looks as follows:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <beans xmlns=”http://xfire.codehaus.org/config/1.0″&gt;

    and my web.xml did pickup



    The packages and classes hursthome.ws and HurstHomeWSImpl and HurstHomeWS do exist, but ARE NOT being deployed along with all the other classes.

    In the Creating a Web Service (Code-First) tutorial, I don’t remember doing anything special to have com.genuitec.myeclipse.wsexample(.client) to deploy.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    #285355 Reply


    Also, When I look at the project properties

    Java Build Path, it indicates EVERYTHING under HurstHomeT/src should be included.

    But when I rebuild manually, no class files are built in


    In fact, the directory is not being created.

    #285359 Reply


    I figured it out… I guess.

    For some reason it didn’t like the name


    I started over and used


    and it built and deployed ok. Go figure?

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