
Error WASX7017E when hot deploying on WAS 6.1

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  • #317530 Reply


    I recently was tasked to investigate a migration towards MyEclipse at work. Up to now we are using RAD 7, but we would like to have better maven and spring integration in our IDE.

    After a few adjustments, I was able to get everything working in MyEclipse except for the hot deployment, one of the key features for which we’d prefer MyEclipse. My project consists of a couple of ‘normal’ java projects, some EJB’s, a web project and all is bundled in the EAR.

    All projects are generated by Maven 2, this cannot be changed. All developers will checkout the sources from subversion, each project has nothing but a POM file (no .project, .classpath, etc…) and will setup their workspace by importing the projects after doing a ‘mvn eclipse:myeclipse’ in the project’s root folder. This works like a charm, and all is setup correct in the workspace. When I deploy the maven generated EAR, through the WAS admin console, there’s no problem at all…

    However, when we try to deploy it to with the WAS6.1 connector we always receive following error :

    MyEclipse: deployment START packaged project: test-ear-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT server: websphere61Server#AppSrv01 time: Wed Jun 15 15:19:53 CEST 2011
    WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server process. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local mode.
    WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: “[test-ear-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]”
    WASX7017E: Exception received while running file “C:\Program Files\MyEclipse Blue Edition\Common\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere61_9.0.0.me201103012021\uninstallApplication.jacl”; exception information: com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: WASX7280E: An application with name “test-ear-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT” does not exist.

    MyEclipse: deployment END project: test-ear-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT server: websphere61Server#AppSrv01 time: Wed Jun 15 15:20:05 CEST 2011

    For simplicity, I’ve created a small test project, containing 1 java project, 1 EJB, 1 Web project bundled in the ear. The EJB depends on the Java project, and the Web project depends on the EJB project. Still the same error though. To reproduce the error, do not hesitate to contact me, I can sent the project right through. I could attach it to this post unfortunately.

    I don’t understand, I’ve been trying to fix this all day now, and I’m still stuck. It’s a pitty, because it seemed very promising until the deployment, and I thought I could finally kick out the RAD ide which is a pain in the *** because it uses it’s meta-inf and meta info to calculate dependencies while Maven normally generates the META-INF. The’re are workarounds, but these have drawbacks as well..We are a team of 20 developers, and I’m afraid I cannot convince them (nor the management) to switch if the hot deployment isn’t working properly.

    So hopefully, somebody has already experienced a similar problem, if so please let me know… Google gives no matches for this problem…

    Thank you in advance…

    #317552 Reply

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