- This topic has 23 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 12 months ago by support-octavio.
FranciscoValenzuelaMemberHello, after updating my app and build exactly like the previous one, I get the following message from Applications Loader:
This bundle is invalid. Apple is not accepting applications built this version of the SDK or Xcode
Paul_paulParticipantThis is all going pear shaped and it’s not filling me with a whole lot of confidence for the future. More application loader problems seem to surface every day, I have stated on these pages many times that the Application Loader should not reject binaries 3 or 4 times then suddenly accept them without any changes, something is wrong somewhere and it’s not getting fixed. This coupled with the failure of mobione to recognise till very recently that there were problems with iOS7 and web apps even though they were made aware of this fact in this forum over 6 weeks ago. The new OS will be available in a few days and everyone will upgrade, if you have web apps out there they will cease to function, native apps will be ok, that’s if you can upload them to ITC, which is doubtful. This is all getting too ridiculous.
support-michaelKeymaster>This bundle is invalid. Apple is not accepting applications built this version of the SDK or Xcode
We are resolving this now. Will have a fix shortly and provide update here. We prematurely updated build services for ios7 before itunes connect is ready.
support-michaelKeymaster@francishift the issue you ran into should be resolved. App Center Builder, Cordova 2.9 update completed. Drop us a note on how this works out for you. Good luck with your app.
Additional note: MobiOne 2.5 milestone-2 is rolling out now. Use Help>Check for Software Updates in MobiOne 2.5M1 to update to milestone-2. Also be aware of some issues with iOS 7 that we are continuing to work on. See http://www.genuitec.com/support-genuitec/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6150
FranciscoValenzuelaMemberThanks for the fast, I’m back to build and everything went well, apple has accepted now, hopefully not put problems in the review.
Yes i have the same Problem. I would today updated my app with the application loader.
Than was coming the folling answer: Apple is not currently accepting bundles built with this version of the SDK.I have the newest version of Mobione: Version 2.6.1
Have someone an idea where is the problem and how i can fix it?
Best Regards
TV Talk
robert65MemberI have been a mobione user for years however I raised the same issue tonight in a similar post, I have felt for the last few weeks that while most people concentrate on programming issues everyone has taken their eye of the ball, I have raised issues with iOS 7.04 betas regarding upload issues, which eventually were resolved, we all knew that Apple stated that as of February changes were coming yet again mobione sat back, for mobione to move forward they need to be ahead of its users which it seems they are not I and others have been highlighting issue after issue with Apple and ios7 but it seems we wait until the horse has bolted before we lock the gate. I look forward to a reply my posts for the last few months have been raising these concerns, the fundamentals of Mobione is to get your app in to the AppStore everything else comes second.
You probably need to make sure you have the latest version of OS X 10.9 and version 5 of X-Code with the Application Loader.
I agree with everything you said, I have had 2 apps waiting for revue for over a week now, I believe Apple have been holding back for Feb 1st and now there is a back log, I fully expect both these apps to be rejected because they are not “iOS 7eveney” enough. We need some iOS 7 widgets and icons, that would help a lot.
StefanCanepaMemberOkey Thank you..
I will check if i have the newest Version from Xcode and Application loader and than i will try again.
When it will not works i make a printscreen from the error.
Thank you
robert65MemberI still think you are wasting your time, I have the latest loader, Xcode, Cordova 2.9 and it all worked fine 2 weeks ago and using the exact same process post February it’s not working
paulDMemberI agree also Robert. I am no expert in mobile development far from it, thats why i use mobione. Mobione is by far the easiest and best solution for me and without it i wouldn’t have got my apps into the Apple store. Ive tried Sencha, Corona and some of the other online app makers and Mobione wins hands down for ease of use. Over the 18 months ive used it i have seen some big improvements, The new simulator and code editors are great.
I do understand how frustrating it must be for the mobione development team to keep up with the constant changes with IOS and android it must be a hideous task. But………. And it is a big but……… Where Genuitec get it wrong every time is how it communicates and interacts with its users. Basically it doesn’t.
There may well be a very good reason for the big push on cordova versions and the other api updates we have got especially with 2.6. It may well be part of the master plan for mobione but because you don’t tell us anything at all users get frustrated. And when you got clients and deadlines its not good for your bloodpressure.
It wouldn’t take a lot, just a quick update on ‘for version 2.7 we are looking at……….’ Even if you don’t get it done no bother…….’due to recent api changes with cordova version 1234.3 update to……… Will now be scheduled for version 3……. At least we get a warm fuzzy feeling that mobione’s not getting chopped in a few months time.
I spent 20 years in the military and the one lesson i learned was keep the troops informed….. Doesn’t matter how crap things got if people knew the reason why….. They would accept it and get on with it.
paulDMemberBit like ‘meet the fokkers’. Need to be in the circle of trust 🙂 🙂
BrandonMemberI saw a post where they said they use to announce the features that were coming, but when they did have to push some features back people would get mad becuase “they needed that one” and the other features should have waited.
I dont think anyone saw this problem coming, with the version. A lot of people were focused on the iOS 7 looking app, when they already have the capabilities to make it look much like the native iOS7 apps.
Im sure they are working on a solution.
paulDMember@CincyPlanet wrote:
I saw a post where they said they use to announce the features that were coming, but when they did have to push some features back people would get mad becuase “they needed that one” and the other features should have waited.
I dont think anyone saw this problem coming, with the version. A lot of people were focused on the iOS 7 looking app, when they already have the capabilities to make it look much like the native iOS7 apps.
Im sure they are working on a solution.
I am sure too. These things happen, things break with new OS versions and i think part of it is deliberate from apple to be honest.
And you are right, the look and feel is not a stopper, with a bit of good design you can get a nice look.
But i am conviced as long as users understand why features are delayed and why others have been implemented its a much better way than shutting your users out. Engage your users and develop the product with them. I’ve used a lot of software professionally over the years and never seen anything like this.