- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 3 months ago by
Loyal Water.
jmzDMemberI am having this error connecting to my JNDI datasource during Websphere deployment
MyEclipse: deployment START explodedproject: vsde server: websphere61Server#AppSrv01 time: Wed Oct 15 18:04:45 PDT 2008
WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server process. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local mode.
WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: “[vsde]”
WASX7017E: Exception received while running file “C:\Dev\MyEclipse 6.5 Blue\myeclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere61_6.5.1.zmyeclipse650200806\uninstallApplication.jacl”; exception information: com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: WASX7280E: An application with name “vsde” does not exist.————————————————————————————————————————
MyEclipse: deployment START explodedproject: vsde server: websphere61Server#AppSrv01 time: Wed Oct 15 18:05:16 PDT 2008
WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server process. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local mode.
WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: “[F:\\Program Files\\IBM\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\profiles\\AppSrv01\\installableApps\\vsde.war, visausadevNode01Cell, visausadevNode01, server1, /vsde, vsde, {{“vsde.war” “vsde.war,WEB-INF/web.xml” default_host}}, {{“null” “vsde.war,WEB-INF/ibm-web-ext.xmi”AppDeploymentOption.Yes 1}}, vsde.war, false]”
-contextroot “/vsde” -nopreCompileJSPs -distributeApp -useMetaDataFromBinary -nodeployejb -appname “vsde” -createMBeansForResources -reloadEnabled -reloadInterval 1 -deployws -validateinstall off -noprocessEmbeddedConfig -filepermission .*.dll=755#.*.so=755#.*.a=755#.*.sl=755 -buildVersion Unknown -noallowDispatchRemoteInclude -noallowServiceRemoteInclude -MapWebModToVH {{“vsde.war” “vsde.war,WEB-INF/web.xml” default_host}} -JSPReloadForWebMod {{“null” “vsde.war,WEB-INF/ibm-web-ext.xmi”AppDeploymentOption.Yes 1}}
F:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\installableApps\vsde.war
{“vsde.war” “vsde.war,WEB-INF/web.xml” default_host}
{“null” “vsde.war,WEB-INF/ibm-web-ext.xmi”AppDeploymentOption.Yes 1}
WASX7327I: Contents of was.policy file:
// Template policy file for enterprise application.
// Extra permissions can be added if required by the enterprise application.
// NOTE: Syntax errors in the policy files will cause the enterprise application FAIL to start.
// Extreme care should be taken when editing these policy files. It is advised to use
// the policytool provided by the JDK for editing the policy files
// (WAS_HOME/java/jre/bin/policytool).
//grant codeBase “file:${application}” {
};grant codeBase “file:${jars}” {
};grant codeBase “file:${connectorComponent}” {
};grant codeBase “file:${webComponent}” {
};grant codeBase “file:${ejbComponent}” {
};WASX7017E: Exception received while running file “C:\Dev\MyEclipse 6.5 Blue\myeclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere61_6.5.1.zmyeclipse650200806\installWebModule.jacl”; exception information: com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: WASX7109E: Insufficient data for install task “MapResRefToEJB
ADMA0007E: A Validation error occurred in task Mapping resource references to resources. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name is not specified for reference binding jdbc/can_not_show_this in module vsde.war with EJB name {3}.”
Any ideas on how to fix it?
jmzDMemberEDIT: ZThe second server start is the issue, the first was a copy/paste mistake.