
Editors not saved when launching Ant

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  • #306368 Reply

    Ray Clough

    Until I updated last week, when I launched Ant, all open editors with changes were saved. Not any more. Also, since I have to save outside of Ant, the ‘copy files’ tasks I run don’t detect any changed files, and this is even more irritating and time-consuming than having to save manually. This, I believe, is an Eclipse bug. Is this correct? Do you know anything about it? (like when it will be fixed)

    If there is nothing to be done, you must have previous versions available, what is the url.

    – thanks,
    Ray Clough
    [email protected]

    #306378 Reply

    Can you give some more information?
    1. Can you copy paste your installation details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details?
    2. Are there any errors logged in the log file located at workspace dir > .metadata > .log?
    3. Can you switch to a new workspace and check if the issue persists?

    #306408 Reply

    Ray Clough


    Please See this: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=282581

    Where do I get the previous version of MyEclipse, which didn’t exhibit this behavior.
    – thanks,
    Ray Clough

    #306426 Reply



    Sorry to hear you are running into this issue. Thank you for pointing out the eclipse bug. I will investigate and get back to you on this. You can download ME 7.5 from http://www.myeclipseide.com/index.php?name=Downloads&req=viewsdownload&sid=31

    #306486 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Thanks again for the link to the Eclipse bug, we will be picking up that fix in 8.5 GA due later this month.

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