- This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 7 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
ds12MemberAs a paying customer I’ll be completely honest that I am quite disappointed with MyEclipse 6.5 GA.
1.) I can’t use the latest Eclipse 3.4. I’m locked into 3.3.
2.) I can’t use Mylyn 3.0, MyEclipse has a hard dependency on 2.3.2 and breaks with 3.0
3.) Maven4MyEclipse is based on m2eclipse which breaks any chance of installing m2eclipse
4.) Maven4MyEclipse doesn’t support m2eclipse projects, it support projects created through the wizard; this is ridiculous as now I would be force to convert all my projectsIn general, it seems that MyEclipse is always behind. Things are always in an experimental stage or not fully implemented and releases/changes are SLOW. This is not how a product should be released.
Riyad KallaMember1.) I can’t use the latest Eclipse 3.4. I’m locked into 3.3.
3.4 is a major release of Eclipse, the API differences and sheer number of build breaks between 3.3 and 3.4 is huge, moving to a new major version of Eclipse requires a new release of MyEclipse; it’s always been this way and is the same across any other IDE-sized product.
NOTE: MyEclipse 7.0 is based on Eclipse 3.4 and is right around the corner (M1 is slated for release next week or the week after I believe).
2.) I can’t use Mylyn 3.0, MyEclipse has a hard dependency on 2.3.2 and breaks with 3.0
Yea that’s a weird one, it’s not a bug as much as a perfect-storm of requirements that when they all come together, not including Mylyn 2.3 will cause Spring to break; we’ll get this fixed shortly in the 7.x release train.
3.) Maven4MyEclipse is based on m2eclipse which breaks any chance of installing m2eclipse
We are working very closely with customers to find out what specific functionality is missing from Maven4MyEclipse that they need to enhance this as time goes on. Please let me know where we are falling short here for your projects.
4.) Maven4MyEclipse doesn’t support m2eclipse projects, it support projects created through the wizard; this is ridiculous as now I would be force to convert all my projects
Until we enable adding capabilities to existing projects, you can sort of hack this in following the instructions from this user:
rwwilsonMemberI am a servlet/MyEclipse newbie but, FWIW, I hold graduate degrees in computer science, mathematics, have worked as a programmer and researcher, and am not brain dead. 🙂
When I posted somewhat detailed information re: how I had tried (and failed) to launch a servlet (that I had previously created and launched using a non-genuitec Resin server running on localhost), that infomation seemed to be ignored in favor of a generic, most-likely-given-past-experience, response. Thinking that perhaps my post was not understood, I replied, trying to clarify. No response (yet?).
After another failed attempt, this time using the servlet wizard, I wondered if my attempt to develop the servlet directly was too old school and decided to try the Struts 1.x tutorial (a “start small” strategy). Nevertheless, when I follow the tutorial, the following web.xml is generated (by MyEclipse, not me).
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<web-app xmlns=”http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee” xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” version=”2.4″ xsi:schemaLocation=”http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd”>
</web-app>When I launch the app as described in the tutorial, I do not get a login screen but (ironically) the generic index.jsp defined response “This is my JSP page”. Do I need to remove the index.jsp or modify it? It is irritating (as one product reviewer put it) to have to ask this question.
I’d like to keep using MyEclipse, but it is starting to seem that I do not know enough which documentation/help/support to accept and what to ignore. If I am too much of a newbie to be able to use MyEclipse 6.5, or even it’s tutorials, as perhaps indicated by the level of “support” I’ve received so, far, I would like a refund.
Riyad KallaMemberrwwilson,
You are doing everything correct (I think) but your index.jsp page isn’t the one with the content you wrote, and notice down in Figure 30 of the tutorial that the specific URL being addressed is:
http://localhost:8080/StrutsLoginDemo/userLogin.jspwe load the specific userLogin page. You can rename userLogin to index.jsp or put a forward in index.jsp to send the user over to that page, either will work.
If you keep having problems let’s move to another thread and not hijack this one just incase other users have other struts questions and can’t find the thread you started.
rwwilsonMember@support-rkalla wrote:
You are doing everything correct (I think) but your index.jsp page isn’t the one with the content you wrote, and notice down in Figure 30 of the tutorial that the specific URL being addressed is:
http://localhost:8080/StrutsLoginDemo/userLogin.jspwe load the specific userLogin page. You can rename userLogin to index.jsp or put a forward in index.jsp to send the user over to that page, either will work.
If I understand you correctly, you are telling me that the tutorial is incomplete/incorrect in that additional steps are required by the user to generate the expected behavior described. Please confirm.
Is there an option to either: (1) have the forward automatically generated in the index.jsp or (2) have the embedded Tomcat load the desired page (userLogin.jsp) versus index.jsp?
Riyad KallaMemberIf I understand you correctly, you are telling me that the tutorial is incomplete/incorrect in that additional steps are required by the user to generate the expected behavior described. Please confirm.
No, you were trying to load the wrong page. What I was pointing out is that you were not following the tutorial completely, it uses the URL for the userLogin page specifically, and works fine.
Is there an option to either: (1) have the forward automatically generated in the index.jsp or (2) have the embedded Tomcat load the desired page (userLogin.jsp) versus index.jsp?
No, not at this time (for either).