
Difficulty amalgamating pages : CLOSED

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  • #351781 Reply


    Sorry if this is a stupid question. When I try to use the emulator or publish as a web app, for some reason I can only see the target design page i.e it doesn’t lead on to other pages, despite having set it up to connect to other pages when “on click”. I’m using the “run in emulator” icon on the toolbar, not just on in the visual designer.
    Any suggestions would be welcome.

    #351823 Reply


    Can you supply a sample of your project to show us how you are calling the on click?

    A couple things to consider:
    1. If you are using an on click in code you need to add your addition screens using the Additional Project Files in the main screen properties
    2. Make you you have your startup screen checked in the properties

    #351824 Reply


    Thanks for your reply.
    Actually, I’ve found the cause of the problem. Between allocating the “on click” page and trying to use the web simulator, I had changed the file names. So when it came to trying to connect the pages together, the simulator couldn’t find the file.
    Told you it was a stupid question!

    #351831 Reply

    Hi drduke,

    Thanks for closing the loop. I’m closing the thread.

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