
Dev / Test / Prod deployment

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  • #222879 Reply


    We follow the standard Development, Test, Production split.

    If I define a deployment to the Development, then every time I save a change to a file, it is compiled and copied to the deployment location. This is good.

    However, if I define a deployment location to the Test and/or Production server, then they also get the change. This is NOT good.

    Is there a way to set the type of deployment? Something like
    (*) Automatic
    ( ) Manual

    And maybe the Manual also requires a “Are you sure” prompt, to help with errant mouse clicks.

    Secondly, when I did a “remove” from the deployment screen, MyEcplise helpfully deleted all the files in the deployment from the server. Could you add a Yes/No prompt for this action?

    #222898 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is there a way to set the type of deployment? Something like

    Not currently, but packaged deployments are NOT hotsynced which exploded deployments are. You may consider using a packaged deployment when deploying to your production setup.

    And maybe the Manual also requires a “Are you sure” prompt, to help with errant mouse clicks.

    “And maybe the Manual…” I don’t follow what you mean here.

    Could you add a Yes/No prompt for this action?

    Good idea, I will file the request.

    #222937 Reply


    And maybe the Manual also requires a “Are you sure” prompt, to help with errant mouse clicks.

    If there were two options, then the “Manual Deployment” option would have a dialog which ensures that the user actually wanted to do that.

    It happens that you might click on the Manual by error, especially after a long day 🙂

    Having a Yes/No prompt would keep un-stable code from being released.

    #222942 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What is confusing me is your use of the word “Manual”, we don’t label anything “Manual” currently in the deployment process… there are deployments, they can be either Exploded or Packaged and they can be to the default application server locations or Custom locations… which one are you referring to? (or maybe I still don’t understand what setting you are talking about?)

    I’ve already filed the request for the Yes/No for the “Undeploy” button which I thought was a good idea, I’m trying to understand what you are saying because I think you may have found another location where another Yes/No dialog may be beneficial. Maybe try walking me through the button clicks and tell me where the dialog should popup.

    #223736 Reply


    When creating deployments I suggested that a deployment have an Automatic/Manual selection. Automatic deployments would happen as they do now.

    But the Manual deployment would only happen if the user selected it.

    I also suggested, that if a Manual selection was implemented, that an extra verification be added before the manual deployment took place.

    So (if there was a manual), the user would select the deployment, click on Redeploy, then a verification prompt would be presented to ensure that the user actually did want to deploy to the manual location.

    #223745 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Rogue, this is simlar to using exploded (automatic) and manual (packaged) as packaged can only be redeployed with user intervention… are you suggestion something to replace this setup, or an addition to it?

    #224060 Reply


    I see that now. I did not when I started this thread….

    However, if I want to deploy exploded to my test server, it will still be automatic. I would like full control of what gets deployed when I save a file, thus the request for an Automatic/Manual setting for each deployment.

    For instance I would set up:
    – debug – exploded/automatic
    – test – exploded/manual
    – production – packaged/manual

    Others may also want the production to be deployed exploded. I do development for our Intranet, so having the production deployment exploded is not really a big deal.

    #224064 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    However, if I want to deploy exploded to my test server, it will still be automatic. I would like full control of what gets deployed when I save a file, thus the request for an Automatic/Manual setting for each deployment.

    For instance I would set up:
    – debug – exploded/automatic
    – test – exploded/manual
    – production – packaged/manual

    Hmm I see, I will add your comments to a feature request and file it. Thank you for the details.

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