
Deploying ear to Websphere 8.5 – not including runtime files.

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  • #544739 Reply


    I am currently using MEB2016. The project I am working with on the deployed production server has an ear size of 135K. Locally deployed it’s 245MB – which is including all the IBM runtime files. In the previous version of MyEclipse there were distinct deployment settings to turn off the runtime jars. However, cannot seem to locate corresponding functionality in the current version.

    #544767 Reply



    In the newer versions of MyEclipse, your projects’s final archive can be customized using the Deployment Assembly page. Right click on the project > Properties > MyEclipse > Deployment Assembly. You can remove the files that you do not want to be deployed with the project from this page.

    Please refer to this tutorial about Deployment Assembly for more details :

    If you are still seeing issues, then please share with us more details about how you are referencing the IBM runtime files in your project along with a screenshot of the Deployment Assembly page to help us get a visual.

    MyEclipse Support

    #544997 Reply


    Attached are screenshots of the Deployment Assembly. The one marked CBS is a workspace that the user says works and one marked GIM that doesnt work (includes the runtime files)

    #545333 Reply



    Apologies for the delayed response. I missed seeing your reply. Unfortunately, the attachments are missing.
    Can you please email them to [email protected] for further investigation?

    MyEclipse Support

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