
Deploy to multiple users

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  • #246970 Reply

    Chris Kovacs

    I have to manage the distribution of Eclipse / MyEclipse to a number of Users in our organization.

    What I need to do is set up a company specific “Deployment”, so that people who need to develop in Eclipse can grab my deployment, copy it to their machine and immediately be able to check out a MyEclipse project and work on it.

    This spares the need for new users to first install Eclipse, then MyEclipse, configure MyEclipse JDK properties, CVS servers, Tomcat properties and all the other configuration steps involved.

    With Eclipse 2.1 and MyEclipse 2.7 it was easy. I just created a ‘base’ installation, exported the Eclipse and MyEclipse folders to a network drive and people could then copy those folders to the same location on their local machine, load it up, enter sub keys and start working. This has worked for us for two years now.

    I just tried the same approach with Eclipse 3.1.2 and the latest version of MyEclipse, and it was a no-go.

    So, is there a method I can use to deploy MyEclipse, loaded with our company preferences to Users as quickly as possible?



    #247023 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you email [email protected] with this exact request (copy paste). I believe they have enterprise deployment information they can provide to you.

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