
Dependent Project missing from WAR file.

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  • #250968 Reply


    I am currently using MyEclipse 4.1.1. I have two web projects: project A and project B. Project A references project B in the build path configuration. Project B is marked for export in Project A’s “JavaBuild Path ->Order and Export” settings. In Project A’s “MyEclipse-Web ->Deployment” I have “Use Smart Deployment” selected.

    However, when I deploy project A to the target JBoss server project B is never exported anywhere inside the WAR file. I cannot find any jar or folder with project B’s classes. What do I need to do to get Project B’s classes to be included in Project A’s .war file?

    #251001 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If Project B is a Java Project, then go to Project A’s MyEclipse-Web settings, then the Deployment tab. Be sure to check the corresponding deployment for dependent projects.

    If Project B is a Web Project, this type of relationship deployment is not supported.

    #251975 Reply

    Gary Schiltz

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    If Project B is a Java Project, then go to Project A’s MyEclipse-Web settings, then the Deployment tab. Be sure to check the corresponding deployment for dependent projects.

    If Project B is a Web Project, this type of relationship deployment is not supported.

    I suppose this should be a feature request, but I’m posting it here since it is a response to Riyad’s answer to the original question. Any chance this functionality would be added any time soon? It would be nice if the classes from Web Project A could be made available to Web Project B when B depends on A.

    #251999 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You mean for deployment, not just build time right? This has been a filed enhancement for a while (dependent Web projects) but we keep holding out on doing it because everyone has a different view of what’s right, and when that happens, a harmless little feature like this has a tendency to spin out of control into a “this is useless, you have to add this!” and then a “what a stupid feature, you have to add this!”, and then $80k later in development costs, we now have a feature that made 4 people happy and realized no return on it.

    Now I’m not saying it’s not a cool feature, but that’s how management has to prioritize these things… I don’t envy them, that’s a hard job. I will add your vote to the enhancement though so atleast we track increasing demand.

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