- This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 1 month ago by
Riyad Kalla.
ingesolMember– System Setup ——————————-
Operating System and version: win xp professional
Eclipse version: 3.0 M6
Eclipse build id: 200312182000
Fresh Eclipse install (y/n): y
If not, was it upgraded to its current version using the update manager?
Other installed external plugins: Slime 1.3.0
Number of plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory: 55
MyEclipse version: 3.7
Eclipse JDK version: 1.4
Application Server JDK version: 1.4
Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file? Nope– Message Body ——————————-
I have problems with setting breakpoints in struts Action classes using Tomcat 4 in debug mode. When I hit a breakpoint, the debugger halts execution and correctly launches the debug view. But it doesn’t open the correct file, and the breakpoint line is not marked. I can’t step through the code like I used to.
I have done a lot of debugging before, but it has stopped working recently. It might have happened after I upgraded from M4/3.6.3 to M6/3.7. Tomcat has not been upgraded for a while.
It’s absolutely horrible to lose the debugging capabilities when you’re spoilt with having them, so I would be extremely happy to get some help to solve this one…
Any clues? undefined
Riyad KallaMemberTo use debugging with MyEclipse you must use an application server that supports the JSR045 spec (debugging spec). Currently Tomcat 5 supports it nicely, Tomcat 4 and 4.1 do not.
ingesolMemberThank you for your response!
I just tried installing Tomcat 5.0.18 and mounting it in Eclipse. Excactly same thing happening… Execution halts, but no marked breakpoint line, and no stepping.
ingesolMemberAnd, as I said, I have been using debugging with MyEclipse 3.6/M6/Tomcat 4.1.21 until very recently.
This worked, have there been changes in the specification between the versions?
Riyad KallaMemberingesol,
we had another gentleman with similar problems before and it turned out the problem was the source he had attached to his Tomcat install was actually from an older installation of Tomcat. Something you can do is to reattach all the source for the servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar files to the correct source from the installation you are using.BUT, since you are having trouble with stepping into actions, I’m guessing that means your own actions and it is not opening your own code correctly. I would say this is possible if your deployment’s are up to date with one another. Are you deploying as a exploded war or packaged war? Can you try doing a deployment THEN debugging and see if it is more accurate? There is are some bug fixes going into the deployment process for 2.7 GA and many new features going in for 2.8, hopefully you aren’t effected by any of them.
ingesolMemberYes, I’m talking about my own source code, not Struts or Tomcat src.
I’m deploying as an exploded war. I also tried deploying as a packaged war, no difference.
To describe the problem in more detail:
I set a breakpoint in my self-written source class, for example MyAction.java.
When I access the action from a browser, the debug view is launched, but the file MyAction.java is not viewed, and when I view the file manually, there is no blue line in MyAction.java indicating that it stopped on the breakpoint. All stepping options in the Eclipse Run-menu are disabled. Nothing happens when I hit F6.
I’ve tried redeploying, rebuilding, refreshing and so on many times.
I tried to downgrade to M4/3.6.4, same thing there, so this probably has something to do with my setup. I have no idea what it is. Would it help if I sent you my Configuration details file?
ingesolMemberI located the problem!
I have mixed the terminology a little bit here, I meant that the Debug perspective is launched when a breakpoint is reached, not the Debug view. My problem was that I had removed the Debug view from the Debug perspective, because I found it to be in the way with unnecessary information in the GUI.
But if the Debug view isn’t a part of the perspective, breakpoints don’t work. Maybe this is obvious to other people, but to me this was a surprise…
Anyway, thanks for the help!
Riyad KallaMemberwhew, I’m glad you got it worked because I was running out of ideas!
Glad it is working now though.