- This topic has 15 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 7 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
chewzoeyMemberOn large complex jsp pages has anyone had cut and past stop working correctly. It seems to stop copying selected text to clipboard and I am stuck with previous selection
version: 4.1.1GA
Build id: 60060309-4.1.1-GA
Riyad KallaMemberWhat is your version and Build ID of Eclipse? We had copy/paste problems in the 3.x series but most of them were alleviated in the 4.x series.
kldavis4MemberIn JSP Editor build 20060309-4.1.1-GA, the cut and paste still breaks on complex jsps.
Riyad KallaMemberI would like both of you, if you have a chance, to download Eclipse 3.2 GA from the eclipse site, then install MyEclipse 5.0 Milestone 2 when we release it (any day now) into new folders with a new workspace and test your complex JSP to see if it copy-pastes correctly. There were a LOT of changes/updates/enhancements to the editors.
kldavis4MemberThanks, I will try milestone 2. Below is a test case which causes the behavior (no cutnpaste, backwards typing, etc). I can quickly cause it by editing one of the forms adding more hidden inputs and accidentally mistyping.
<%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="java.text.DateFormat" %> <%@ page import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat" %> <% /* Copyright(c) 2003 - Duke University */ /* * History: * * 24 Feb 2003 CGM - Moved all navigation/view mode controls to side panel. */ /*try {*/ %> <%! public static String SCREEN = "screen"; public static String VIEW = "view"; public static String SHOW_TERMS = "show"; public static String ALL_REALMS = ""; public static String ALL_SECTIONS = ""; public static String TERM_NAME = ""; public static String TERMSEG_NAME = ""; public static String DATE = ""; public static String PRINTER_FRIENDLY = ""; public static String EXPAND_DETAILS = ""; public static String WEEK_NAME = ""; public static String DAY_INDEX = ""; public static String LAYOUT = ""; public static String NO = ""; public static String ARGNAME_DEFAULT_SYSTYPE = ""; public static String MODE = ""; public static String EVENT_NAME = ""; public static String EVENT_TYPE = ""; public static String EVENT_PANE = ""; public class Component { } public class ComponentLink { } public class Realm { } public class Event { public Realm getRealm() { return new Realm(); } } public class EventSection { public Event getEvent() { return new Event(); } } public class EventType { public EventType baseEventType() { return this; } public String getTypeName() { return ""; } public String getTitle() { return ""; } } public class RealmType { } /** * formats event start time for display in calendar. */ private String formatEventStartTime( EventSection eventSection, boolean isOngoingEvent, boolean isDayView, java.util.Calendar calendar, DateFormat monthDayFormat, DateFormat timeFormat ) throws Exception { return ""; } /** * formats event start time for display in calendar. */ private String formatEventEndTime( EventSection eventSection, boolean isOngoingEvent, boolean isDayView, java.util.Calendar calendar, DateFormat monthDayFormat, DateFormat timeFormat ) throws Exception { return ""; } %> <% // get view information String view = ""; boolean isDayView = true; boolean isWeekView = true; boolean isTermView = true; // gather other parameters String allRealms = ""; String termName = ""; String termSegmentName = ""; String weekName = ""; String dayIndex = ""; String dateStr = ""; boolean allSections = true; // get calendar mode, supported views boolean isCustomCalendar = true; // is view printer friendly boolean printerFriendly = true; boolean expandDetails = true; // get realm, schedule, etc. // Realm realm = KCServlet.getRealm(request); boolean isTeam = false; // Schedule schedule = (Schedule)request.getAttribute(CalendarViewServlet.BEAN_SCHEDULE); // String calendarTitle = realm.getTitle(); // get custom calendar periods // TimePeriod term = (TimePeriod)request.getAttribute(CalendarViewServlet.BEAN_TERM); // TimePeriod termSegment = (TimePeriod)request.getAttribute(CalendarViewServlet.BEAN_TERMSEG); // TimePeriod weekPeriod = (TimePeriod)request.getAttribute(CalendarViewServlet.BEAN_WEEK); // if ( isCustomCalendar && (term == null || termSegment == null || weekPeriod == null)) { // throw new PlatformException("Custom Calendar for this Realm has not been fully defined down to the Week level.\n\n"+ // "Please have the administrator configure this properly in TimePeriods admin function."); // } // get time zone TimeZone preferredTimeZone; try { preferredTimeZone = null; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new Exception("The following error occured while getting preferred TimeZone\n\n"+e.getMessage()); } Object term = null; // create calendar object java.util.Calendar calendar = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(preferredTimeZone); // show all sections ONLY if current realm has Program or Course sections boolean realmHasSections = false; // get user preference for 12 or 24 hour time display boolean time24hour; try { time24hour = false; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new Exception("The following error occured in isCalendarDisplay24Hour()\n\n"+e.getMessage()); } // initialize date formats SimpleDateFormat monthDayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("M/dd"); monthDayFormat.setTimeZone(preferredTimeZone); SimpleDateFormat monthDayYearFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("d MMMM yyyy"); monthDayYearFormat.setTimeZone(preferredTimeZone); SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, d MMM yyyy"); dayFormat.setTimeZone(preferredTimeZone); DateFormat dateTimeFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.SHORT); dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(preferredTimeZone); SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(time24hour ? "HH:mm" : "hh:mm a"); timeFormat.setTimeZone(preferredTimeZone); // Get current time/date stamp. SimpleDateFormat todayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(time24hour ? "EEE, d MMM yyyy, HH:mm z" : "EEE, d MMM yyyy, h:mm a z"); todayFormat.setTimeZone(preferredTimeZone); String todayStr = todayFormat.format(new Date()); // compute term start and end date strings SimpleDateFormat termFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("d MMM yyyy"); termFormat.setTimeZone(preferredTimeZone); Object termSegment = null; String termStart = termSegment != null ? "" : ""; String termEnd = termSegment != null ? "" : ""; // Generate the date display title String dateDisplayTitle = ""; if ( isWeekView ) { String dateRange; if ( isCustomCalendar ) { dateDisplayTitle = "" + " - "; dateRange = new String( "" ); } else { dateRange = (String)request.getAttribute(""); } String startDateStr = dateRange;//monthDayYearFormat.format(dateRange.getStartDate()); calendar.setTime(new Date()); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); String endDateStr = monthDayYearFormat.format(calendar.getTime()); dateDisplayTitle = dateDisplayTitle + startDateStr + " to " + endDateStr; } else if (isDayView) { Date displayDate; if ( isCustomCalendar ) { int selectedDay = 0; calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, selectedDay); dateDisplayTitle = " - "; displayDate = calendar.getTime(); } else { displayDate = null; } dateDisplayTitle = dateDisplayTitle + dayFormat.format(displayDate); } else if (isTermView) { dateDisplayTitle = "Term Schedule"; } // check if user is a student boolean isEventManager = false; boolean isPrivilegedUser; try { isPrivilegedUser = false; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new Exception("The following error occured in isPrivilegedUser()\n\n"+e.getMessage()); } boolean includeAllSections = isPrivilegedUser || allSections; String allSectionsStr = ""; String realmHomeURL = ""; // check browser type boolean msie = false; boolean netscape4 = false; String userAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent"); if (userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0) msie = true; else netscape4 = true; // Mozilla and New version of Netscape use IE code... if (userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla") >=0 ) { String versionStr = userAgent.substring(8,11); float version = (Double.valueOf(versionStr)).floatValue(); if ( version >= 5.0 ) { msie = true; netscape4 = false; } } %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Calendar View</TITLE> <% out.flush(); %> <STYLE TYPE='text/css'> <% // write out the Browser specific style sheet information if (netscape4) { %> .parent {position:absolute; visibility:hidden} .child {position:absolute; visibility:hidden} .regular {position:absolute; visibility:hidden} <% } else { %> .child {display:block} <% } %> </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY CLASS="calendar" ONLOAD="initIt()" ONRESIZE="fixNetscapeCSS()"> <div id="b_printerFriendly" style="display: none;"><%=printerFriendly?"true":"false"%></div> <div id="b_isCustomCalendar" style="display: none;"><%=isCustomCalendar?"true":"false"%></div> <div id="calendar_isExpanded" style="display: none;"><%=expandDetails%></div> <!-- Header --> <TABLE WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <% if (term != null && termSegment != null) { %> <TR> <TD colspan="3"> <DIV CLASS="currentDate"> <%= "" %> - <%= termSegment.toString() %> (<%= termStart %> - <%= termEnd %>) </DIV> </TD> </TR> <% } %> <TR> <TD colspan="3"> <TABLE CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%> <TR> <TD colspan="3"> <DIV CLASS="currentDate"><%=dateDisplayTitle%></DIV> </TD> <% if (isEventManager && isTeam && !printerFriendly) { RealmType realmType = null; Vector/*<EventType>*/ eventTypesVector = new Vector(); String excludeListString = ""; if ( excludeListString.length() > 0 ) { Enumeration enumeration = eventTypesVector.elements(); String[] excludeList = excludeListString.split( "," ); Vector filteredEventList = new Vector(); while ( enumeration.hasMoreElements() ) { EventType eventType = (EventType)enumeration.nextElement(); boolean found = false; for ( int i = 0; i < excludeList.length; i++ ) { if ( eventType.getTypeName().equals( excludeList[i] ) ) { found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) filteredEventList.add( eventType ); } eventTypesVector = filteredEventList; } if (!eventTypesVector.isEmpty()) { %> <TD align="right"> Schedule: <% Enumeration eventTypes = eventTypesVector.elements(); while (eventTypes.hasMoreElements()) { EventType eventType = (EventType)eventTypes.nextElement(); %> <A HREF="javascript:addEvent('<%=eventType.getTypeName()%>')"><%=eventType.getTitle()%></A> <% if (eventTypes.hasMoreElements()) out.print(" | "); } %> </TD> <% } } %> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!-- Start displaying the events themselves --> <% Object schedule = null; int itemCount = 0; for (int eventGroup = 0; eventGroup <= 1; eventGroup++) { if (schedule == null) continue; String lastEventType = null; Vector/*<DateRange.Overlap>*/ overlapsVector = new Vector(); boolean isOngoingEvent; if (eventGroup == 0) // current events { overlapsVector.addElement(null); overlapsVector.addElement(null); isOngoingEvent = false; } else // ongoing events { overlapsVector.addElement(null); overlapsVector.addElement(null); isOngoingEvent = true; } Vector/*<EventSection>*/ eventSectionsVector = null; if (eventSectionsVector.size() == 0) continue; %> <% if (eventGroup == 1) { %> <!-- Output header for ongoing events --> <DIV class="regular" ID="Regular<%=itemCount%>"> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="1" WIDTH="95%"> <TR> <TD ROWSPAN=2> </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD width=95% BGCOLOR="#dddddd" CLASS="tourTitle">Ongoing Events</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <% } %> <% String sortOrder = null; Enumeration/*<EventSection>*/ eventSections = null; while (eventSections.hasMoreElements()) { // get event section and associated realm EventSection eventSection = (EventSection)eventSections.nextElement(); Event event = eventSection.getEvent(); Realm eventRealm = event.getRealm(); String eventType = ""; if (eventGroup != 1 && sortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase("event-type") && !eventType.equals(lastEventType)) { %> <DIV class="regular" ID="Regular<%=itemCount%>"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="1" WIDTH="95%"> <TR> <TD ROWSPAN=2><IMG SRC="../media/_calendaricon3.gif" WIDTH="30" HEIGHT="30" HSPACE="5" BORDER="0"></TD> <TD> </TD> <TD width=95% BGCOLOR="#dddddd" CLASS="tourTitle"><%=event.toString()%></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <% } else if (eventGroup != 1 && sortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase("realm") && !eventRealm.equals("")) { %> <DIV class="regular" ID="Regular<%=itemCount%>"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="1" WIDTH="95%"> <TR> <TD ROWSPAN=2><IMG SRC="../media/_calendaricon3.gif" WIDTH="30" HEIGHT="30" HSPACE="5" BORDER="0"></TD> <TD> </TD> <TD width=95% BGCOLOR="#dddddd" CLASS="tourTitle"><%=eventRealm.toString()%></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <% } lastEventType = eventType; Object lastEventRealm = eventRealm; Object realm = null; // if user is not privileged and if the event OR realm is invisible, do no display it if (!isPrivilegedUser) continue; itemCount++; // get realm information String eventRealmShortTitle = ""; if (eventRealm != realm) { eventRealmShortTitle = eventRealm.toString(); if (eventRealmShortTitle == null) eventRealmShortTitle = eventRealm.toString(); eventRealmShortTitle += " : "; } // what type of event is this? EventType type = null;; boolean isAssignment = false; boolean isExam = false; boolean isChat = false; boolean isEMeeting = false; boolean isDiscussion = false; boolean isGeneric = false; String title; String description; String topic; String overview; String speaker; String location; String targetNames; try { // get event information title = event.toString(); description = event.toString(); topic = ""; overview = ""; // get event-section information speaker = eventSection.toString(); location = eventSection.toString(); targetNames = null; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new Exception("An error occured getting event information./n/n"+e.getMessage()); } String targetHeader = (includeAllSections && targetNames != null) ? targetNames + " " : ""; // generate names for main and child parts of the event for collapse/expand String itemNamePrefix = "Event" + itemCount; String itemName = itemNamePrefix + "Parent"; String itemDetailsName = itemNamePrefix + "Child"; // format start and end date/time strings String startTimeStr; String endTimeStr; try { startTimeStr = formatEventStartTime(eventSection, isOngoingEvent, isDayView, calendar, monthDayFormat, timeFormat); endTimeStr = formatEventEndTime(eventSection, isOngoingEvent, isDayView, calendar, monthDayFormat, timeFormat); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new Exception("An error occured formatting event times./n/n"+e.getMessage()); } try { %> <!-- First, basic part of the event --> <DIV ID="<%=itemName%>" CLASS="parent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="3" WIDTH="95%" BORDER=0> <TR> <TD WIDTH="75" ROWSPAN=2 VALIGN=top CLASS="eventTime"> <%=startTimeStr%>-<%=isDayView && !isOngoingEvent?"<BR>":""%><%=endTimeStr%> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top CLASS="eventType"> <% if (eventRealm == realm && isEventManager && isTeam) { %> <A HREF="javascript:editEvent('<%=""%>', '<%=event.toString()%>')"><%=eventRealmShortTitle + targetHeader + title%></A> <% } else { %> <%=eventRealmShortTitle + targetHeader + title%> <% } %> <% if ((isAssignment || isExam) ) { %> <BR><I>Due: <%=""%></I> <% } %> <% if (true) { %> <IMG src="../media/i_optional.gif" border=0> <% } %> </TD> <TD WIDTH="100" ALIGN="CENTER"> <% if ((isAssignment && ((Event)event) != null) || (isExam && ((Event)event) != null)) { %> <% if (true) { %> <A HREF="<%=""%>"><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../media/b_dsubmit.gif"></A> <% } else { %> <A HREF="<%=""%>"><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../media/b_dreport.gif"></a> <% } %> <% } else if (isChat) { Component chatComponent = null; ComponentLink chatComponentLink = chatComponent != null ? null : null; if (chatComponentLink != null ) { String chatURL = null; String chatTarget = null; %> <A HREF="<%=chatURL%>" TARGET="<%=chatTarget%>"><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../media/b_chat.gif"></A> <% } %> <% } else if (isEMeeting) { Component meetingPlaceComponent = null; boolean hidePlaybacks = false; ComponentLink meetingPlaceComponentLink = meetingPlaceComponent != null ? null : null; if (meetingPlaceComponentLink != null ) { String meetingPlaceURL = null; String meetingPlaceTarget = null; if ( true ) { if ( true ) { %> <A HREF="<%=meetingPlaceURL%>" TARGET="<%=meetingPlaceTarget%>"><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../media/b_emeeting_attend.gif"></A> <% } else if ( ( !hidePlaybacks ) ) { %> <A HREF="<%=meetingPlaceURL%>" TARGET="<%=meetingPlaceTarget%>"><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../media/b_emeeting_playback.gif"></A> <% } else if ( true ) { %> <IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../media/b_emeeting_attend_inactive.gif"> <% } } else { %> <A HREF="<%=meetingPlaceURL%>" TARGET="<%=meetingPlaceTarget%>"><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../media/b_emeeting_attend.gif"></A> <% } } } else if (isDiscussion) { Component discussionComponent = null; ComponentLink discussionComponentLink = discussionComponent != null ? null : null; if (discussionComponentLink != null ) { String discussionURL = null; String discussionTarget = null; %> <a href="<%=discussionURL%>" target="<%=discussionTarget%>"><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../media/b_discuss.gif"></a> <% } %> <% } else { %> <% } %> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD CLASS="eventItem"> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0> <% String beginDateStr = null; String endDateStr = null; boolean datesSame = beginDateStr.equals(endDateStr); if(datesSame && !isDayView ){ %> <TR> <TD> </TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" colspan="2" VALIGN="TOP"> <% //enforce to have the hours. String startTimeStrDay =formatEventStartTime(eventSection, isOngoingEvent, true, calendar, monthDayFormat, timeFormat); String endTimeStrDay = formatEventEndTime(eventSection, isOngoingEvent, true, calendar, monthDayFormat, timeFormat); %> <%if(isChat || isAssignment){%><b><%}%> <i> <%=startTimeStrDay%> - <%=endTimeStrDay%> </i> <%if(isChat || isAssignment){%></b><%}%> </TD> </TR> <% }%> <TR> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" width="0"> <% if (!printerFriendly) { %> <A HREF="javascript:void(0);" ONCLICK="expandIt('<%=itemNamePrefix%>'); return false;"><IMG NAME="<%=itemNamePrefix%>imEx" SRC="../media/b_expand_event.gif" WIDTH="14" HEIGHT="14" BORDER="0" ALT="Show/Hide Details"></A> <% } else { %> <IMG NAME="<%=itemNamePrefix%>imEx" SRC="../media/b_expand_event.gif" WIDTH="14" HEIGHT="14" BORDER="0"> <% } %> </TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT"><%=description != null ? description : topic%></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> <TD WIDTH="100"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <% if (!printerFriendly || expandDetails) { %> <!-- Now, more details about the event --> <DIV ID="<%=itemDetailsName%>" CLASS="child"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="3" WIDTH="95%"> <!-- Location --> <% if (location != null && location.length() != 0) { %> <TR> <TD WIDTH="15%"> </TD> <TD COLSPAN="2" VALIGN="TOP"><I>Location:</I> <%=location%><BR></TD> </TR> <% } %> <!-- Speaker --> <% if (speaker != null && speaker.length() != 0) { %> <TR> <TD WIDTH="15%"> </TD> <TD COLSPAN="2" VALIGN="TOP"><I>Speaker:</I> <%=speaker%><BR></td> </TR> <% } %> <!-- Begin Event Materials --> <% // build material types Vector/*<String>*/ materialTypesVector = new Vector(); Enumeration/*<String>*/ materialTypes = materialTypesVector.elements(); // output materials corresponding to each material type while (materialTypes.hasMoreElements()) { // get materials corresponding to the material type String materialType = (String)materialTypes.nextElement(); Enumeration/*<Component>*/ materials = null; %> <% if (true) { %> <TR> <TD WIDTH="15%"> </TD> <TD COLSPAN="2" VALIGN="TOP"><I>Overview:</I> <%=overview != null ? overview : ""%></TD> </TR> <% } else if (false) { %> <TR> <TD WIDTH="15%"> </td> <TD COLSPAN="2" VALIGN="TOP"><I>Reading Materials:</I></TD> </TR> <% } else if (true) { %> <TR> <TD WIDTH="15%"> </td> <TD COLSPAN="2" VALIGN="TOP"><I>Solution Materials:</I></TD> </TR> <% } %> <% while (materials.hasMoreElements()) { // get material component Component materialComponent = (Component)materials.nextElement(); ComponentLink componentLink = null; // is component released? boolean isReleased = false; String releaseDateStr = null; if (!isReleased) releaseDateStr = null; // get component attributes and URL String componentTitle = ""; String componentDescription = ""; String containerURL = ""; String target = ""; // get contrib explorer link associated with component, if any String sysType = ""; %> <TR> <TD WIDTH="15%"> </TD> <TD WIDTH="5%" VALIGN="TOP"><IMG <%=""%> BORDER=0></TD> <TD WIDTH="80%" CLASS="material"> <DIV class="componentTitle"> <% if (true) { %> <A HREF='<%=containerURL%>' target='<%=target%>'><%=componentTitle%></A> <% } else { %> <%=componentTitle%> <% } %> <% if (!isReleased) { %> (Available <%=releaseDateStr%>) <% } %> <% if (sysType != null) { %> <A HREF="javascript:exploreContrib('<%=sysType%>')"><IMG SRC="../media/explorer.gif" ALT="Explore contributions" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0></A> <% } %> </DIV> <DIV class="componentDescription"> <% if (true) { %> <%=""%> <% } else if (true) { %> <I>File:</I> <%=""%> <% } %> </DIV> </TD> </TR> <% } // while (materials.hasMoreElements()) } // while (materialTypes.hasMoreElements()) %> </TABLE> </DIV> <% } %> <% } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new Exception("An error occured creating event display./n/n"+e.getMessage()); } } // while (eventSections.hasMoreElements()) } // for (each eventGroup) if (itemCount == 0) out.println("<P CLASS='description'><I>No events.</I></P>"); %> <script language="JavaScript"> if (!b_printerFriendly && b_ns4) { var space = 0; for (i=0; i<document.layers.length; i++) { space += document.layers[i].document.height; } document.writeln('<SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="' + space + '">'); } </script> <!-- Hidden forms for submitting requests --> <FORM ACTION="../self" TARGET="_parent"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=SCREEN%>" VALUE="<%=LAYOUT%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=VIEW%>" VALUE="<%=view%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=SHOW_TERMS%>" VALUE="<%=NO%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=ALL_REALMS%>" VALUE="<%=allRealms%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=ALL_SECTIONS%>" VALUE="<%=allSectionsStr%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=TERM_NAME%>" VALUE="<%=termName%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=TERMSEG_NAME%>" VALUE="<%=termSegmentName%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=DATE%>" VALUE="<%=dateStr%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=PRINTER_FRIENDLY%>" VALUE="<%=NO%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=EXPAND_DETAILS%>" VALUE="<%=NO%>"> <% if (isCustomCalendar) { %> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=WEEK_NAME%>" VALUE="<%=""%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=DAY_INDEX%>" VALUE="0"> <% } %> </FORM> <!-- Hidden form to invoke contrib explorere --> <FORM ACTION="/_sys._collaboration.ContribExplorer" METHOD="GET" TARGET="_top"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=ARGNAME_DEFAULT_SYSTYPE%>"> </FORM> <!-- Hidden form to add/edit events --> <FORM ACTION="../self"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=SCREEN%>" VALUE="<%=EVENT_PANE%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=VIEW%>" VALUE="<%=view%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=SHOW_TERMS%>" VALUE="<%=NO%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=ALL_REALMS%>" VALUE="<%=allRealms%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=ALL_SECTIONS%>" VALUE="<%=allSections%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=TERM_NAME%>" VALUE="<%=termName%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=TERMSEG_NAME%>" VALUE="<%=termSegmentName%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=WEEK_NAME%>" VALUE="<%=weekName%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=DAY_INDEX%>" VALUE="<%=dayIndex%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=DATE%>" VALUE="<%=dateStr%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=MODE%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=EVENT_NAME%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="<%=EVENT_TYPE%>"> </FORM> <!-- end DHTML week calendar --> </BODY> </HTML> <% /* } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.logError(e); throw new ServletException(e); } */ %>
Riyad KallaMemberCan you explain how to reproduce this? I am just copy-pasting the hidden fields in the last few tables and they are fine in 4.1.1
kldavis4MemberYeah, it is kind of a random thing, since the behavior seems to occur when I make a typo. But for example, I go to top of the first form, and start typing a new hidden form field. Cut and pasting the existing ones do not cause the problem, you need to make a typo. So I type the following:
And after a few seconds I get the backwards typing behavior. In the console I get the following messages:
Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException Unhandled event loop exception Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException Unhandled event loop exception Reason: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Riyad KallaMemberPlease let me know what you find with Milestone 2, I think it’s either live now or later tonight or tommorow.
kldavis4Member@support-rkalla wrote:
Please let me know what you find with Milestone 2, I think it’s either live now or later tonight or tommorow.
I was able to get M2 loaded on eclipse 3.2. So far I haven’t been able to duplicate the jsp editor problems that I was seeing. There are other issues that I am seeing with M2. I get the following error when I try to switch to the database explorer:
Could not find view: com.genuitec.sqlexplorer.views.DatabaseView Could not find view: com.genuitec.sqlexplorer.views.SQLResultsView Could not find view: com.genuitec.sqlexplorer.views.SQLHistoryView Could not find view: com.genuitec.sqlexplorer.views.ConnectionInfo Could not find view: com.genuitec.sqlexplorer.views.TableInfoView
I get similar errors when switching to other MyEclipse perspectives. I have tried without success to restart with the -clean option.
Riyad KallaMemberPlease click on MyEclipse > About MyEclipse > Installation Summary and copy-paste the result here for me to see. It’s probable that you have incompatible builds of Eclipse/MyEclipse 5.0 Milestone 2 running.
kldavis4Member@support-rkalla wrote:
Please click on MyEclipse > About MyEclipse > Installation Summary and copy-paste the result here for me to see. It’s probable that you have incompatible builds of Eclipse/MyEclipse 5.0 Milestone 2 running.
*** Eclipse details:
Eclipse SDKVersion: 3.2.0
Build id: M20060629-1905Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework
Version: 3.2.0.v20060626
Build id: 20060627-0816Eclipse Platform
Version: 3.2.0.v20060609m-AgOexn6hlEUsvBO
Build id: M20060629-1905Eclipse RCP
Version: 3.2.0.v20060609m-SVDNgVrNoh-MeGG
Build id: M20060629-1905Eclipse Java Development Tools
Version: 3.2.0.v20060609m-F7snq1fxia-Z4XP
Build id: M20060629-1905Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment
Version: 3.2.0.v20060609m——6zXJJzJzJq
Build id: M20060629-1905Eclipse Project SDK
Version: 3.2.0.v20060609m-GNq6oQq-7es-Y81
Build id: M20060629-1905Eclipse startup command=-os
Riyad KallaMemberLooks good. Try using a new workspace (File > Switch Workspace) and see if the error goes away. You can use File > Export and File > Import to pull in your settings and projects from your old workspace.
pdelahunMemberI have found that JSP editor has never really worked properly and i have been using this plugin since 2004. In my opion it trys to be too clever with the validation stuff… Even when i have supposed to have turned it off. I have simply just lived with this annoying editor as there does not seem to be anthing better on the market…
Can’t you just provide a simple colour coded jsp editor with a functioning cut and paste.
I have tried to install version 5.0M2 on eclipse 3.2 but the jsp editor cannot even loadup. I see serveral other people have complained about this too and are waiting a fix in aug 6th.
I guess it is really hard for you guys to test all these plugins ???
Riyad KallaMemberI have tried to install version 5.0M2 on eclipse 3.2 but the jsp editor cannot even loadup. I see serveral other people have complained about this too and are waiting a fix in aug 6th.
It’s a plugin cache problem, you have to restart using -clean and the situation is driving us nuts. We see this as a show stopper because the user experience requiring a -clean restart sucks.
Also you have *never* been forced to use the designer you can also just use the source editor for your HTML/JSP pages, we know designers don’t work for everyone. If what you are asking for is an even simplier code editor with no validation, no we don’t offer that.
I guess it is really hard for you guys to test all these plugins ???
It’s not the easiest but we do test the heck out of the product before we ship even a milestone. We held 5.0 back a month just for bug fixes and improvements and it’s an incredible release, but the thing of it is, all it takes is a user that had a bad previous experience (like you have) and add to it some retarded issue like needing to restart using -clean, and the product (rightfully so) seems broken or worthless even though 99% of it works, it’s just that initial bump in the road that turns people off.
We really are breaking out backs to make MyEclipse start to rock as far as user experience goes and hope you notice this with the 5.0 GA release. We appologize from time to time for some of the hickups (like the -clean thing) but don’t ever think that we are sitting on our laurels with the impression that it’s OK for that stuff to happen. Our job, ultimately, is to keep our users happy. And crappy editors and plugin cache problems don’t keep users happy so it’s out job to fix all that.
Now back to the editor issue, you really didn’t like the new editor work in the Milestone 2 release? We were really happy with all the work that went into it… can you name your top 3 issues that drove you the most nuts?
pdelahunMemberThe only problem i have ever had with myeclipse is the jsp editor. Everything else works fine.
I did a -clean on my new 5.0 release like you said and it worked. The new 3.2 verision of eclipse seems to run fine so far the jsp edidor is working fine. But i have not yet used it in vain.
The previous cut and paste errors where intermittent anyway.