
Customize spring mvc scaffold , add JET Templates

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  • #324231 Reply


    We want to add new files to the scaffold option for spring mvc and we are working on new JET Templates for accomplish these task, my question is, it is possible to add new JET templates to the scaffolding strategy? if it is in what folder should I place those templates.


    #324253 Reply


    You can’t add new templates by dropping them into a directory. The only truly supported functionality is to customize the ones that are there (not add new ones).

    Hypothetically, in order to add a completely new template, you would need to contribute it via the ModelType and coreArtifactDefinition extension points, which are not publicly available or documented. If you were to dig through the installed plugin jars, you can find examples in the org.skyway.integration.java.spring plugin.xml

    But, as stated, this is not supported functionality.

    #324268 Reply


    I will try to review that plugin but I have 2 questions:

    1-Can we request directly to skyway this support in order to find a documented solution ?

    2-The workaround, is there any empty or unused templates that is currently available on the spring mvc scaffolding that we can modify in order to create there the desired functionality ? maybe one that is used only for documentation , with this approach we can create the new file

    #324284 Reply


    I can submit a feature request to enable the ability to add templates but it’s not something that would be done in time for your project. It’s not that we don’t WANT to support it, it’s a matter of the technical difficulty in enabling such a feature.

    Sorry but there are no unused templates that you could piggyback your new functionality onto.

    #324308 Reply


    Ok understood. Please submit these feature because it will be more flexible for future releases.

    I have 2 requests:

    1. Can you provide us the list of JET templates (in order of execution) that are executed in the spring mvc scaffolding , we are changing some them for our generation.

    2. If we want to debug the spring mvc scaffolding and start to do a trace -(what template is running and methods that are executed) how can we do this ?


    #324441 Reply


    Hi myeclipse support,

    Any feedback for this request ?


    #324442 Reply


    Hi myeclipse support,

    Any feedback for this request ?


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