- This topic has 16 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 10 months ago by
How can we go about creating earfile using MyEclipse Blue?
To create an ear file, you need to right click on the project > Export > Java EE > EAR file and follow the wizard.
In RAD 6.0, this is how we create earfile.
1) Under the project, Deployment Descriptor, Deployment tab, we will delete the datasource defined in the JDBC Provider.
2) Right click the project and Deploy
3) Right click the project and Export > EAR file
Q1) Do we need to do a deploy then export the earfile?Q2) I tried your suggestion and select EAR file and click next. But at the EAR project dropdownlist, there is no project available.
Are you trying to import an EAR file? I am afraid, currently we do not provide option to export EAR with source code.
We will be adding the ability to import EAR files in MyEclipse 10.x.
When we add the ability to import and export EARs directly, we will probably add more options to the Export.Hi,
I meant to create a earfile (.ear). And in the previous post stated the steps on how we create a earfile.
I am trying to export earfile, not import. Does MyEclipse Blue allows us to do so?
Yes MyEclipse Blue allows you to export a J2EE enterprise project to an ear file. You need to right click on your EAR project > Export. This would open the export wizard. Expand Java EE and choose ear file. Select the J2EE enterprise project to export and specify the EAR file location and click on [Finish].
I followed your instructions but in the dropdownlist, there is no J2EE enterprise project for me to select. The list is empty.
For testing purpose can you do the following? Open MyEclipse IDE, from menu options click on File > New > Enterprise Application Project. This will open a wizard to assist you create the project. Please add project name, select the J2EE Specification Level, add Web and EJB modules. Right click on this enterprise project > Export. and export the project as mentioned in my earlier reply. Do you see the EAR project under J2EE enterprise project to export?
I try to create new projects for testing purpose. When I select the project and export, I only saw the option to select EAR file (MyEclispse), no EAR file option.
Whereas in my workspace, I can see both EAR file (MyEclispse) and EAR file option when I select the project and export.
Hansie SwiftMemberThanks for sharing.
Please refer attached screenshots which are self explanatory
You must be logged in to view attached files.Hi,
Thanks for the info.
Able to create earfile using the steps you provided. However, I noticed the earfile created is quite big, near 70MB. When I created an earfile in RAD 6.0, it is less than 20MB.
Good to hear you are all set. The number of files and their file sizes could differ in the ears generated by ME and RAD.
1) When I deploy the earfile created from Myeclipse Blue to WebSphere 6.1, I encounter this additional step. Refer to http://h1.ripway.com/shufen/Step3-ProvideOptionsToPerformTheEJBDeploy.JPG When I set all the 4 fields to empty and continue, the deployment ended unsuccessful with the following:
If there are enterprise beans in the application, the EJB deployment process can take several minutes. Please do not save the configuration until the process completes.
Check the SystemOut.log on the Deployment Manager or server where the application is deployed for specific information about the EJB deployment process as it occurs.
ADMA5017I: Uninstallation of Belsize started.
ADMA5104I: The server index entry for WebSphere:cell=ClownfishNode01Cell,node=ClownfishNode01 is updated successfully.
ADMA5102I: The configuration data for Belsize from the configuration repository is deleted successfully.
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application Belsize is complete.
ADMA5106I: Application Belsize uninstalled successfully.
ADMA5016I: Installation of Belsize started.
ADMA5067I: Resource validation for application Belsize completed successfully.
ADMA5058I: Application and module versions are validated with versions of deployment targets.
ADMA5018I: The EJBDeploy command is running on enterprise archive (EAR) file /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/wstemp/0/upload/Belsize_20110404.ear.
Starting workbench.
EJB Deploy configuration directory: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/ejbdeploy/configuration/
framework search path: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/deploytool/itp/plugins
Debug options:
Creating the project.
Deploying jar BelsizeEJB
Generating deployment code
/BelsizeEJB: The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for jxl.Workbook. Fix the build path then try building this project
/BelsizeEJB: The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for jxl.Workbook. Fix the build path then try building this project
ejbModule/com/belsize/sb/EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4.java(1): The type jxl.Workbook cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
ejbModule/com/belsize/sb/EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4.java(1): The type jxl.Workbook cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
ejbModule/com/belsize/sb/EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4.java(9): The type EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4 must implement the inherited abstract method SB_LoadLocal.setupTrialEnterprise(String, String, String, String, String, Workbook)
ejbModule/com/belsize/sb/EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4.java(9): The type EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4 must implement the inherited abstract method SB_LoadLocal.setupTrialEnterprise(String, String, String, String, String, Workbook)
ejbModule/com/belsize/sb/EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4.java(9): The type EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4 must implement the inherited abstract method SB_LoadLocal.validateLoadsheet(Workbook)
ejbModule/com/belsize/sb/EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4.java(9): The type EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4 must implement the inherited abstract method SB_LoadLocal.validateLoadsheet(Workbook)
ejbModule/com/belsize/sb/EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4.java(395): jxl.Workbook cannot be resolved to a type
ejbModule/com/belsize/sb/EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4.java(395): jxl.Workbook cannot be resolved to a type
ejbModule/com/belsize/sb/EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4.java(464): jxl.Workbook cannot be resolved to a type
ejbModule/com/belsize/sb/EJSLocalStatelessSB_Load_0a42def4.java(464): jxl.Workbook cannot be resolved to a type
Shutting down workbench.
Execution Halted: Compilation Errors Reported
6 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Informational Messages
ADMA5008E: EJBDeploy failed on /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/wstemp/wstemp/app_12f4cd2a84d/dpl/dpl_Belsize.ear: com.ibm.etools.ejbdeploy.EJBDeploymentException: Error executing EJBDeploy
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application Belsize is complete.
ADMA5069E: The installation of application Belsize failed. This application was in the middle of a full update and therefore is uninstalled from the configuration session. Discard your current configuration session immediately to recover the application. Do not save changes to the WebSphere Application Server configuration repository. The application is not uninstalled from this repository. Until the current configuration session is discarded you do not see this application in the current session.
2) I recreated an earfile from Myeclipse Blue after I comment out the error above, indicating the jxl problem in the methods, set all the 4 fields to empty and is able to deploy successfully.
1) We do not have this additional Step 3: Provide options to perform EJB Deploy during deployment when used the earfile created from RAD. Do we need to specify anything in this Step 3?2) Our application will need this jxl to read in .xls file.
I noticed that jxl.jar is not in place at the machine when I deploy the earfile. Its ok now.