
CodeMix validates node_modules folder

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  • #590513 Reply


    Can CodeMix be configured to ignore folders? It seems like a waste of resources for CodeMix to validate my node_modules folder since that is out of my control. I see a red “x” on that folder so I’m sure that it is running validations against it.

    #590515 Reply


    Can you confirm that you have CodeMix Project-level build enabled? Right click on Project, Properties, and go to Builders. You should be able to see if you have CodeMix Builder listed.

    To my knowledge, we don’t have any known breaks regarding accidentally validating node_modules so I would surmise that most likely you are still running with another builder from a plugin in Eclipse, but let’s confirm first your setup.

    #590535 Reply


    I don’t see CodeMix in the builders. In fact, every time it offers to validate a project I say no.

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    #590558 Reply


    Thanks for the details! Interesting timing as in our next release, we are cleaning up the user experience when it comes to project-level validation. In your instance, I would surmise that you are getting hit by XSL and other validators from Webtools still running on node_modules.

    The actual pop-up you were getting about validation wasn’t to just validate in the moment but actually turn on project-level validation. This is an area we are making changes in the upcoming update to make it much clearer and have project-level validation on by default as you would expect.

    To enable it, you would add the following buildCommand into the buildSpec for your project:


    If you don’t want webtools doing any validation of random XSL and similar files, you can simply uncheck Validation for this project.

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