
CodeMix and Angular IDE compatibility issues in Eclipse 2020-09+ and Java 16

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  • #662766 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    CodeMix and Angular IDE are incompatible with Eclipse 2021-12 and later versions. If you wish to use CodeMix with a prior version of Eclipse, please see instructions below.

    CodeMix/Angular IDE will need modifications to work with:
    a) Eclipse 2020-09 – 2021-09
    b) Java 16+ – default Java version for Eclipse 2021-06 and more recent versions.

    Issues with 2020-09+
    This incompatibility could affect the general experience while using the product, including the inability to log in enter your CodeMix license.
    You can solve these issues by installing the following compatibility patch:

    1. Go to Help > Install New Software.
    2. Add the site http://downloads.genuitec.com/downloads/codemix/2020-09-compatibility/.
    3. Install CodeMix 2020-09 compatibility fix.
    4. Restart

    Issues with Java 16+
    Starting Eclipse with Java 16 results in a major failure of CodeMix functionality – extensions do not load and the extension page will not function. Note that Eclipse 2021-06 and later versions will use at least Java 16 and are affected by this out of the box.

    To fix this, you must start Eclipse with a version of Java less than 16 (preferred Java 11):
    1. Edit your eclipse.ini file.
    2. Modify the -vm argument to point to a version of Java < 16.

    Note: If you use Java 12-15, a number of SWT errors will be logged on each workspace start, but CodeMix appears to function normally otherwise.

    Please note there will be no future CodeMix releases, do read our CodeMix & Angular IDE Migration Plan for additional details.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Aaron Lara.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Brian Fernandes. Reason: Updated affected Eclipse versions
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Brian Fernandes. Reason: Updated with Java 16 issues
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Brian Fernandes.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Brian Fernandes. Reason: Updated for incompatiblity with 2021-12
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Brian Fernandes.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Brian Fernandes.
    #663892 Reply


    ıt works AaronLonin, you are great! you are all Great guys and Raquel! Greetingsa from Istanbul – Turky!……b muchos gracias… !!

    #663966 Reply


    Worked perfectly – thanks.

    #666996 Reply


    Works fine now! 😉

    #667135 Reply

    Confirmed. Works like a charm. Thanks

    #667426 Reply


    The new version of “CodeMix TypeScript” keeps getting bugs!
    Especially for tests, windows10 I installed an empty latest Eclipse 2020-09 on Java 15 and recorded a video of how I install the latest version of CodeMix from scratch on it
    watch my video: https://youtu.be/C1wtS4tV2Ck
    After I recorded the video, I installed the update “http://downloads.genuitec.com/downloads/codemix/2020-09-compatibility/&#8221; – but all these errors remained the same after the update
    Here are the errors I saw during the first 10 minutes of testing (watch my video)
    1) after installing your CodeMix on a clean eclipse and trying to open *.ts files “CodeMix engine – preparing” hangs. It hangs for a few minutes, after which it gives an error and offers to restart the “CodeMix engine” (watch my video)
    2) if the code contains an error in the type, then this error is not displayed even if you click “Validate”. That is, you can see only parsing errors or field errors in objects, but not errors in their types. When clicking “Validate” or “Build” such errors are not visible. These errors are visible only if you open this file in an editor.
    3) If you click “Save All” in the TypeScript file, then eclipse shows a useless dialog in which you are prompted to select which files to save, but all the files have already been saved and the dialog is either completely empty or shows one file. This is useless dialogue, and it gets in the way. I always click the “Save All” button and never click the “Save this file only” button
    4) In Eclipse, the native “Build All” button does nothing in TypeScript projects. It would be better if clicking on it did “Validate” as it did in your old WebClipse. And now if you need to do “Validate” you have to open any TypeScript file and there already select
    5) If you do not enable “online Watch” in the project, then no errors are visible in other files at all, in some files no errors are visible even if you click “Validate”
    6) “Validate” works for a very long time, “Compile” works even longer. How can you disable “Compile / Build” but at the same time for “Validate” to correctly show all errors in all files?

    It is currently not possible to use your CodeMix product, especially due to the empty dialog when saving all changed files.
    Please fix this dialog and other errors as soon as possible, and I will try again using CodeMix.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by gorand2. Reason: add src files
    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    #679097 Reply


    the patch doesn’t help on 2021-12.
    After patch installation the CodeMix install shows the same error:

    Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
      Software being installed: CodeMix Essentials (com.genuitec.eclipse.code.feature.feature.group
      Missing requirement: Code Local Web Server (com.genuitec.eclipse.code.localwebserver requires 'osgi.bundle; javax.servlet 3.1.0' but it could not be found
      Cannot satisfy dependency:
        From: CodeMix Essentials (com.genuitec.eclipse.code.feature.feature.group
        To: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; com.genuitec.eclipse.code.localwebserver [,]
    #679112 Reply



    CodeMix will not work with Eclipse 2021-12. Unfortunately we have no workaround to suggest, other than using a prior Eclipse version (Eclipse 2021-09 or earlier with Java 11).

    Please note that CodeMix has reached its end of life and MyEclipse 2021 is the alternative. See here for more details : https://www.genuitec.com/products/codemix/end-of-life-notice/

    Apologies for inconvenience caused. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

    Genuitec Support

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