
[Closed] Several *context*.xml when using Spring

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  • #244236 Reply


    I am having trouble with the Spring integration of MyEclipse.
    My specific problem is this: I have several spring-context files:

    All of these are added to my project as spring config files.
    When I reference a bean defined in (say) applicationContext.xml from a bean in action-servlet.xml I get warnings:

    Severity Description Resource In Folder Location Creation Time Id
    1 Referenced bean ‘userManager’ not found action-servlet.xml cddb/web/WEB-INF line 7 January 10, 2006 1:28:19 PM 2969

    Also, I don’t seem to get code-completion when I try to reference the beans in other files.
    And similar. Is this a known problem? Can I do anything to fix it?


    BTW: I am using Eclipse 3.1.1 Build M20050929-0840 and MyEclipse 4.1M2

    #244286 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I checked with a Spring developer on the team about this and they said you should be able to reference the bean but wasn’t sure if autocomplete would work.

    Is this a project you would be able to send to us for testing? Just enough for the project to validate correctly, or create another smaller sample project that uses your configurations?

    If so, please send it to [email protected] ATTN Riyad with a link to this post so I know why I’m getting the file.

    #244318 Reply

    I found a way to at least get the references working.

    What I did was I added all my config-files to a “config set”. That did the trick for the references. Still no autocomplete, but I’m not sure if that is a supposed to work..?
    Would be great though…

    Thanx anyway 🙂

    #244324 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ahh yea, they have to all be in the config sets, I’m sorry I missed that. Slow-brain day yesterday.

    I will take up the autocomplete discussion with the dev but marked this closed.

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