
[Closed] cannot be resolved warnings

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  • #258393 Reply

    Alex Bath

    This may seem like a minor quibble but I hate having warnings cluttering-up my “Problems” pane as I don’t know what’s important or not.

    When doing JSF development I get “bean cannot be resolved” warning messages for every time I reference a bean in my jsp file.

    It all works fine but is there any way of satisfying the IDE enough to get rid of them (got them in the faces-config.xml of course)?

    #258500 Reply

    Jeremy Stein

    Hmm… for straightforward access of a bean, I haven’t had that problem. Did you add JSF capabilities to your project?

    #258654 Reply

    Alex Bath

    I certainly did, everything else is fine except for this minor annoyance.

    Puzzled its not affecting anyone else though.

    #258671 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    do you get autocomplete for your beans?

    If you don’t, then MyEclipse isn’t understanding the project and that’s why the validator is failing. If you are getting autocomplete, try cleaning the project, the errors could be stale.

    #259448 Reply

    Alex Bath

    Cleaning the project doesn’t help and I’m not getting auto complete on the Bean. I tried the eclipse JSF Login Demo to see if that was any different but it gives warnings as well. Puzzled I am.


    #259460 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hmm, can you export this project to an Archive and send it to me to have a look at? ([email protected] ATTN Riyad, with a link to this thread so Iknow why I’m getting it)

    #259728 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Was this problem resolved? I haven’t heard from you.

    #260030 Reply


    Me and my colleague just upgraded to eclipse 3.2.1 and myeclipse 5.0.0. I have the same problem which is described in this thread but my colleague does not. How can that be?? We both checked out the project out of our CVS system.

    Is there a solution to this? For me it is really annoying to see all these errors which are no errors.

    #260087 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can both of you try and restart using the -clean command line argument and then clean your projects to get them in parallel states?

    Also, in our internal testing MyEclipse 5.0 is not entirely copasetic ontop of Eclipse 3.2.1, some changes in the underlying platform cause some portions of MyEclipse to be wonkey. Luckily our 5.0.3 release will be based on 3.2.1 and is due out in early November.

    #260301 Reply



    we both did the -clean restart and still have the same effect. I guess we will wait for the next release and hopefully the problem is gone.


    #261875 Reply



    we just upgraded to version 5.1 and we still have the problem.
    On the following screenshot you can see my problem:

    The variable “rim_OrderGenerationSearchResult” is put into the page context by the tag <ctrl:list ..

    Any ideas if this problem can be solved.



    #261889 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This problem does not have a workaround other than suggesting you disable validation for this file (we added a new feature in 5.1, you can right click on the file, go down to MyEclipse, then select “Exclude from Validation”).

    More information about why this is a problem is here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-13364.html

    #261994 Reply


    Hello Riyad,

    thanks for your quick reply. I figured that this would be a problem that cannot be solvd that easily.
    The “disable validation” function will help.


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